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A smoke testing tool inspired by symm/vape

Similar tools include:


Install via composer:

composer require brunty/cigar --dev

Pull via docker:

docker pull brunty/cigar

To use

Create a .cigar.json file that contains an array of json objects specifying the url, status, (optional) content, and (optional) content-type to check.

    "url": "",
    "status": 418,
    "content": "teapot"
    "url": "",
    "status": 200,
    "content-type": "text/html"
    "url": "",
    "status": 304
    "url": "",
    "status": 500

When installed via composer:

Run vendor/bin/cigar to have it check each of the URLs return the status code expected.

When pulled via docker:

Run docker run -v $(pwd):/app --rm brunty/cigar to have it check each of the URLs return the status code expected.

> vendor/bin/cigar                                           
✓ [418:418] teapot
✓ [200:200] [text/html:text/html] 
✓ [304:304] 
✓ [500:500] 

The format of the lines in the output is:

pass/fail url [expected_code:actual_code] [optional_expected_content-type:optional_actual_content-type] optional_text

If all tests pass, the return code $? will be 0 - if any of them don't return the expected status code, the return code will be 1

Quiet test mode

If you wish to suppress the output of the test run, pass the --quiet option to the command: vendor/bin/cigar --quiet

Alternative configuration files

If you wish to use an alternative configuration file, use the vendor/bin/cigar -c file.json or vendor/bin/cigar --config=file.json options when running the command.

Passing a base URL to check against

If you wish to check a file of URLs relative to the root of a site against a base URL, you can do so with by using vendor/bin/cigar -u or vendor/bin/cigar --url=

Your configuration file can then contain URLs including:

  • Full absolute URLs as before (cigar won't use the base URL when checking an absolute URL)
    "url": "",
    "status": 418,
    "content": "teapot"
  • URLs relative to the base url that you've specified, either with or without a leading slash.
   "url": "/status/418",
   "status": 418,
   "content": "teapot"
   "url": "status/418",
   "status": 418,
   "content": "teapot"

Disabling SSL cert verification

If you wish to run the tool without checking SSL certs, use the -i or --insecure option to the command: vendor/bin/cigar -i or vendor/bin/cigar --insecure

Only use this if absolutely necessary.

Passing Authorization header

If you wish to add the Authorization header, use the -a or --auth option to the command: vendor/bin/cigar -a "Basic dXNyOnBzd2Q=" or vendor/bin/cigar --auth="Basic dXNyOnBzd2Q="

Passing custom header

If you wish to add any custom header(s), use the -h or --header option to the command: vendor/bin/cigar -h "Cache-control: no-cache" or vendor/bin/cigar --header="Cache-control: no-cache"

Command help & command version

If you want to see all the available options for Cigar, use the command: vendor/bin/cigar --help

If you wish to see what version of Cigar you're using, use the command: vendor/bin/cigar --version


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