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Ciboulette, your local CI server

NOTE This is alpha software, it might very well completely mess with your git hooks. Use with caution!

What it is

Ciboulette is a local, unobtrusive CI server. It is designed to run as a git post-commit hook.


As you can see, Ciboulette runs after each commit. What you can not see, though, is that it runs builds asynchronously as to not block your commit workflow.

Also seen in this screenshot:

  • Growl notification of a failed build
  • the \o/ smiley in my prompt means current HEAD's build passed
  • ??? means ciboulette did not build current HEAD yet
  • had I waited a little bit to take screenshot, you could have seen my prompt change to /o\, indicating a failed build.


  1. clone the repository
  2. copy bin and lib anywhere in your $PATH
  3. cd to the repository you want to CI
  4. run ciboulette --install


Ciboulette is configured via git's configuration. The only mandatory option is ciboulette.runner, which is the script that will be used to build your project.

You can either set it by hand:

git config --add ciboulette.runner "your_script"

or use ciboulette's interactive configurator:

ciboulette --config


Right now, ciboulette only supports Growl notifications through growlnotify. You don't have anything to do, it will work out of the box.

If you are adventurous, I wrote the following bash function to display the current repository's HEAD build status in my prompt (will only work at the repository's root for now):

function prompt_head_build_status {
  if [ ! -d .git -o ! -f .ciboulette.builds ]; then
    return 0

  current_commit=$( git rev-parse HEAD )

  status=$( grep $current_commit .ciboulette.builds | awk '{print $2}' )

  case "$status" in
      echo "/o\\"
      echo "\o/"
      echo "???"
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