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Symfony2 controller Traits
This php 5.4+ library is a collection of traits that adds behaviors to Symfony2 controllers.
It currently handles:
- crudable (Doctrine2 ORM and ODM, Propel)
- filterable
- paginable
All you have to do is to define a Controller and use some traits.
Crudable trait is an abstract trait used internally by ORMBehavior and ODMBehavior.
- To use Doctrine ORM persistence in your CRUD, just use ORMBehavior like below.
- To use Propel ORM persistence in your CRUD, just use PropelBehavior.
namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Controller;
use Knp\ControllerBehaviors\Crudable\Doctrine\ORMBehavior;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
class MemberController extends Controller
// make aliases of actions to make them FOSRestBundle compliant
use ORMBehavior {
ORMBehavior::getListResponse as getMembersAction;
ORMBehavior::getShowResponse as getMemberAction;
ORMBehavior::getNewResponse as newMembersAction;
ORMBehavior::getEditResponse as editMemberAction;
ORMBehavior::getCreateResponse as postMembersAction;
ORMBehavior::getUpdateResponse as putMemberAction;
ORMBehavior::getDeleteResponse as deleteMemberAction;
The create, edit and update actions of Crudable
will search for a <Object>Type
in the Form
folder of the bundle.
In the examples below, it would be in src/Acme/DemoBundle/Form/MemberType
To modify this behavior, just override the default implementation of the trait, like this:
protected function createNewForm($object)
return $this->createForm('my_super_type_id', $object, ['some_option' => true]);
Templates are also searched using conventions. By default it will search in the Resources\views/<ControllerName>
folder of your bundle.
here can be contain a subfolder (think of an Admin
subfolder for example).
To modify this behavior, just override the default implementation of the trait, like this:
protected function getViewsPathPrefix()
return '::';
Filterable behavior is a simple trait that stores and retrieves some informations for a given controller, like filter form data.
Once you posted data to postFilterMembersAction
, you can retrieve it later by using the getFilters
It also provides a way to handle a filter form, whose type yould be defined in src/Acme/DemoBundle/Form/MemberFilterType
in this example.
use Knp\ControllerBehaviors\FilterableBehavior;
class MemberController extends Controller
// make aliases of actions to make them FOSRestBundle compliant
use FilterableBehavior {
FilterableBehavior::getFilterResponse as postFilterMembersAction;
In order to make this filter form visible in the view, you can override default view parameters handling:
protected function getListViewParameters(array $parameters)
return array_merge([
'filterForm' => $this->createFilterForm()->createView(),
], $parameters);
Paginable behavior is a simple trait that uses Knp paginator to paginate a resultset.
use Knp\ControllerBehaviors\Paginatable\KnpPaginatorBehavior;
class MemberController extends Controller
use KnpPaginatorBehavior;
public function getObjectsToList()
return $this->paginateQueryBuilder(
$this->getObjectRepository()->getJoinAllFilteredQB($this->getFilters()) // returns an ORM Query Builder
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