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To install this library call:
$ php composer.phar install
Give you an ability, to generate html/pdf invoices.
// Set up Invoice model (required to do anything)
$invoice = new Knp\Invoice\Model\Invoice();
// Lets set up seller data now
$seller = new Knp\Invoice\Model\Seller();
$seller->setName('KnpLabs France');
// Add address: street, city, zip-code, country
$seller->setAddress('11 RUE KERVEGAN', 'NANTES', '44000', 'France');
// Address of logotype image
// $seller->setLogo('images/logo.png');
// Now add seller to invoice
// Lets set up buyer data now
$buyer = new Knp\Invoice\Model\Buyer();
$buyer->setName('Marek Nowak');
// Add address: street, city, zip-code, country
$buyer->setAddress('Kozia 5', 'Kozia Wólka', '00-666', 'Poland');
// Now add buyer to invoice
// Customer has coupon ? Let's add it
$coupon = new Knp\Invoice\Model\Coupon;
$coupon->setName('Christmas Holidays');
// Coupon will expire at given date
// $coupon->setExpireAt('2011-12-25');
// Now add coupon to invoice
// Customer already paid something ? Let's add this
// Now let's setup taxes
$taxTPS = new Knp\Invoice\Model\Tax;
$taxTVQ = new Knp\Invoice\Model\Tax('TVQ', 8);
// Here we setup and add some random entries to invoice
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
$entry = new Knp\Invoice\Model\Entry();
$entry->setDescription('Development ' . mt_rand(1, 9));
// Netto price per unit
$entry->setUnitPrice(mt_rand(100, 500));
// Quantity of given entry
$entry->setQuantity(mt_rand(1, 4));
// Entry can have up to two taxes added (i.e. Canada)
// If no taxes add by using this method, there will be used 0% default one
// And let's add entry to invoice
// Let's select generator
// $content = new Knp\Invoice\Generators\Snappy;
$content = new Knp\Invoice\Generators\Twig;
// $content->generateAndSave($invoice); # You can generate and save invoice instead of returning to browser
// or
// $content->generate($invoice, null, 'list'); # generate just list of entries
echo $content;
Making your own template
Now you know how to generate and invoice, here you have and example of using own Twig templates:
{# MyDir/invoice.html.twig #}
{% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
{# This will lookup for this template in: "MyDir" and if not found in default Knp\Invoice theme dir #}
{% block content %}
<th class="col1">Entry</th>
<th class="col3">Price</th>
<th class="col4">Quantity</th>
<th class="col5">Line Total</th>
{%- for entry in invoice.entries %}
<td>#{{ loop.index }}</td>
<td class="col3">{{ entry.unitPrice }}</td>
<td class="col4">{{ entry.quantity }}</td>
<td class="col5">{{ entry.totalPrice }}</td>
{%- endfor %}
{% endblock %}
$content = new Knp\Invoice\Generators\Twig;
echo $content;
Launch the Test Suite
Then just call
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