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Unfortunately we decided to not maintain this project anymore (see why). If you want to mark another package as a replacement for this one please send an email to
the bundle is working only with OAuth driver because of twitter api v.1 retirement
old users needs update abraham/twitteroauth
using composer update abraham/twitteroauth
This Symfony2 bundle will allow you to easily add a visual widget with the last tweets of the Twitter users to your page.
Note that tweets are transformed so that links are clickable.
Add KnpLastTweetsBundle in your composer.json
"require": {
"knplabs/knp-last-tweets-bundle": "*"
Register the bundle in your app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Knp\Bundle\LastTweetsBundle\KnpLastTweetsBundle(),
Buzz is required to use this bundle.
After installing the bundle, just do:
{% render "KnpLastTweetsBundle:Twitter:lastTweets" with {'username': 'knplabs'} %}
Or if you want use combined feed:
{% render "KnpLastTweetsBundle:Twitter:lastTweets" with {'username': ['knplabs', 'knplabsru']} %}
In that case tweets will be sorted by date.
You will now have to configure the bundle to use one of the three available drivers.
Api driver
The simplest driver is the api
driver: it calls twitter API at each request.
# app/config.yml
driver: api
This is the default - you don't even have to add the previous config to app/config.yml
But it's obviously not peformant in production.
OAuth driver
The oauth_driver
uses InoriTwitterAppBundle.
First you should configure and install it.
Then you are freely to set it in config:
# app/config.yml
driver: oauth
Doctrine Cache driver
The doctrine_driver
uses DoctrineCache.
First you should configure and install it.
Then you are freely to set it in config:
# app/config.yml
driver: doctrine_cache
cache_service: my_doctrine_cache_service #must be a valid doctrine cache
you could use LiipDoctrineCacheBundle for configuring your caches.
Zend_Cache driver
The zend_cache
driver uses Zend_Cache to cache the last tweets in a Zend_Cache_Backend (file, APC, memcached…).
You will need to install KnpZendCacheBundle first and configure it:
# app/config.yml
name: Core
lifetime: 300
automatic_serialization: true
name: File
cache_dir: %kernel.root_dir%/cache/%kernel.environment%
driver: zend_cache
cache_name: knp_last_tweets
method: api # or oauth
This will only call the twitter api after a minimum of 300 seconds.
The force-fetch command
Caching is good. But once in a while (well one every 5 minutes in the previous case and if you have a continuous flow a visits), one of your visitor will have to wait 2 unnecessary seconds while the server calls twitter API.
To avoid that, you should launch a cron job every 4 minutes which will force the fetching and caching of the new tweets
php app/console knp-last-tweets:force-fetch knplabs
This way, you will never make your visitors wait!
Array driver
The array
driver uses dummy data and does not call the twitter API.
It will return you 10 fake tweets - perfect in development.
# app/config.yml
driver: array
- Use the
driver in development (edit yourapp/config_dev.yml
file) - Use the
driver in production (edit yourapp/config.yml
file) - Use the
command in a cron job in production - Use HTTP caching if you know what this is about and if performance is really important to you!
- Use the
driver if you have problems with limits.
Advanced usage: HTTP caching
Please note that the following is not necessary: you should be perfectly fine without it.
You can use HTTP caching
and ESI
if you want the lastTweets
action to be rendered as an ESI tag.
This will improve performance by using a cached version of the whole rendered block - even in a dynamic page.
Follow the instructions on and use the following code in your templates:
{% render "KnpLastTweetsBundle:Twitter:lastTweets" with {'username': ['knplabs', 'knplabsru'], 'age': 5}, {'standalone': true} %}
- Initial work has been done by KnpLabs
is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.
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