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WARNING: This bundle is abandoned in favor of markdown_to_html Twig filter. Please, consider using it instead. Migration should be easy because it also supports
Markdown parser that is used in this project under the hood.
Provide markdown conversion (based on Michel Fortin work) to your Symfony projects.
Add KnpMarkdownBundle to your project via Composer:
composer require knplabs/knp-markdown-bundle
If you're not using Symfony Flex, you will also need to enable
the bundle in your app/AppKernel.php
(new Knp\Bundle\MarkdownBundle\KnpMarkdownBundle()
That's it! Start using it!
Once the bundle is installed, you can autowire a MarkdownParserInterface
into any service or controller:
use Knp\Bundle\MarkdownBundle\MarkdownParserInterface;
// from inside a controller
public function index(MarkdownParserInterface $parser)
$html = $parser->transformMarkdown($text);
// or from inside a service
private $parser;
public function __construct(MarkdownParserInterface $parser)
$this->parser = $parser;
public function someMethod()
$html = $this->parser->transformMarkdown($text);
There is also a public markdown.parser
service you can use.
In Twig, you can use the markdown
{# Use default parser #}
{{ my_data|markdown }}
{# If my_data is entered by a user, escape HTML tags before printing it #}
{{ my_data|escape|markdown }}
{# or strip HTML tags #}
{{ my_data|striptags|markdown }}
{# Or select specific parser #}
{{ my_data|markdown('parserName') }}
Change the parser implementation
Create a service implementing Knp\Bundle\MarkdownBundle\MarkdownParserInterface
then configure the bundle to use it:
# Symfony 3: app/config/config.yml
# Symfony 4: config/packages/knp_markdown.yaml (you'll need to create this)
service: my.markdown.parser
Alternatively if you are using the markdown.parser.sundown
there are
options for enabling sundown extensions and render flags, see the
default Configuration with:
php bin/console config:dump-reference knp_markdown
This bundle comes with 5 parser services, 4 based on the same algorithm but providing different levels of compliance to the markdown specification, and one which is uses the php sundown extension:
- markdown.parser.max // fully compliant = slower (default implementation)
- markdown.parser.medium // expensive and uncommon features dropped
- markdown.parser.light // expensive features dropped
- markdown.parser.min // most features dropped = faster
- markdown.parser.sundown // faster and fully compliant (recommended)
requires the php sundown extension.
For more details, see the implementations in Parser/Preset.
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