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Unfortunately we decided to not maintain this project anymore (see why). If you want to mark another package as a replacement for this one please send an email to
is a PHP library for quick and simple consuming of Mailjet API.
It supports both RESTful and Event Tracking APIs.
RESTful API - OOP wrappers
This library provides OOP wrappers to most (all) API endpoints, that are located under Mailjet/Api/Request
namespace. These include:
Simple example:
// This file is generated by Composer
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Mailjet/Api/Client;
use Mailjet/Api/Request/User;
$user = new User(new Client('api_key', 'secret_key'));
$userInfo = $user->getInfo();
// [username] => KnpLabs
// [email] =>
// [locale] => en_US
// [currency] => USD
// [timezone] => America/New_York
// [firstname] => KnpLabs
// ....
RESTful API - Client
In addition to using wrappers, you can obviously also use the client directly to make API requests on lower level. To ease consumption of RESTful API there's a RequestApi helper class, which lists all available queries. Check Mailjet documentation for a detailed list of queries.
Simple example:
// This file is generated by Composer
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Mailjet/Api/Client;
use Mailjet/Api/RequestApi;
$client = new Client('api_key', 'secret_key');
$userInfo = $client->get(RequestApi::USER_INFOS);
// [username] => KnpLabs
// [email] =>
// [locale] => en_US
// [currency] => USD
// [timezone] => America/New_York
// [firstname] => KnpLabs
// [lastname] =>
// [company_name] => KnpLabs
// [contact_phone] =>
// [address_street] =>
// [address_postal_code] =>
// [address_city] =>
// [address_country] =>
// [tracking_openers] => 1
// [tracking_clicks] => 1
Sending a POST request:
// ... initialize client
$result = $client->post(RequestApi::USER_DOMAIN_ADD, array(
'domain' => ''
// [status] => 200
// [file_name] => empty_file
// [id] => 123
Event Tracking API
provides a clean OOP interface to interact with Event Tracking API.
use Mailjet/Event/EventFactory;
$factory = new EventFactory();
// fetch incoming data into $data array, example
// [event] => open
// [email] =>
// [mj_contact_id] => 123
// [mj_campaign_id] => 123
// [customcampaign] => Hello from KnpLabs
// [ip] =>
// [geo] => US
// [agent] => Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:21.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/21.0
$event = $factory->createEvent($data);
echo get_class($event); // \Mailjet\Event\Events\OpenEvent
echo $event->getType(); // open
echo $event->getIp(); //
Note: this library is not responsible for validation of incoming data. However, assuming the data is coming from Mailjet servers, it will work correctly.
Symfony2 integration
You don't need a special bundle to use the RESTful API with Symfony2, you can initialize the service with a simple config:
class: Mailjet\Api\Client
arguments: [<your_mailjet_api_key>, <your_mailjet_secret_key>]
And that's it, Mailjet RESTful API is now available via:
And to initialize higher level OOP wrappers:
class: Mailjet\Api\Request\User
arguments: [@knp_mailjet.api]
# ... other wrappers definitions
However, if you need both RESTful and Event API support, then there's KnpMailjetBundle.
The first step to use mailjet-api-php
is to download Composer:
$ curl -s | php
Now add mailjet-api-php
with Composer:
$ php composer.phar require knplabs/mailjet-api-php:1.*
And that's it! Composer will automatically handle the rest.
Alternatively, you can manually add the dependency to composer.json
"require": {
"knplabs/mailjet-api-php": "1.*"
... and then install our dependencies using:
$ php composer.phar install
- PHP >= 5.3.8
- HTTP component of Guzzle library
- (optional) Symfony2 Debug Component
See file.
Running the Tests
To run unit tests, you'll need a set of dev dependencies you can install using Composer:
php composer.phar install --dev
Once installed, just launch the following command:
OOP wrappers idea was originally implemented by David Guyon in his version of the client.
Sponsored by
mailjet-api-php is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.
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We want to make open source more sustainable. The entire platform was born from this and everything we do is in aid of this.
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