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View Open IssuesTake a look to see if anyone else has experienced the same issue as you and if they managed to solve it.
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Symfony Light Edition
What's inside?
Symfony Light Edition comes pre-configured with the following bundles:
- FrameworkBundle
- MonologBundle
- TwigBundle
- SecurityBundle ( see security.yml.dist file )
- SensioFrameworkExtraBundle
- SecurityExtraBundle ( see config.yml.dist file )
- DoctrineBundle ( see config.yml.dist file )
- SwiftmailerBundle ( see config.yml.dist file )
- AsseticBundle
- WebProfilerBundle (in dev/test env)
This distribution is made to be extracted in an empty git repository, in order to initiate a new Symfony2 project. Nothing special, just extract and run it!
You can simply download it via
and unpack it.
wget --no-check-certificate -O symfony-light-master.tar.gz
tar -xzvf symfony-light-master.tar.gz
mv *-symfony-light-* my-project
cd my-project
Vendors, or how to use submodules
This requires you to be in a working git repository, at root level. If you are not, you can init a new repository in the current folder by simply typing:
git init
Run the following script:
`./bin/ [.gitmodules.dist] [1]
- [.gitmodules.dist] is a gitmodule file containing all needed vendors. If ommited,
is used - [1] is the git clone depth to limit history, and thus, filesystem size of vendors. If ommited, all history will be cloned
- [.gitmodules.dist] is a gitmodule file containing all needed vendors. If ommited,
This script automates the creation of submodules, but you still can do it manually via:
git submodule add <git url> vendor/<vendor name>
Last but not least, setup assets using:
./app/console assets:install web --symlink
You don't need to configure anything by default, as the basic configuration file works out of the box.
The distribution is configured with the following defaults:
- Twig is the only configured template engine;
- Doctrine ORM/DBAL is deactivated ( see config.yml.dist file );
- Swiftmailer is deactivated ( see config.yml.dist file );
- Annotations for everything are enabled ( see config.yml.dist file ).
Custom config
If you have special configurations depending on your machine or environment, you can override any config_*.yml.
For example, if you have a different database password than the default one, you can modifiy it by adding a file named config_dev_local.yml
- { resource: config_dev.yml }
dbname: my_symfony_light_special_db_name
user: florian
password: chaaaangeMe
If you want to use the CLI, a console application is available at
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We want to make open source more sustainable. The entire platform was born from this and everything we do is in aid of this.
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