Get support for OskarStark/SonataAdminBehatContext
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composer require oskarstark/sonata-admin-behat-context --dev
Enable the context in your behat.yml
- OStark\Context\SonataAdminContext:
# this can be disabled if you do not use the SonataAdminUserBundle
- OStark\Context\SonataAdminUserBundleContext:
userManager: '@sonata.user.user_manager'
tokenStorage: '@security.token_storage'
session: '@session'
# make sure to enable MinkContext!
- Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext
Available steps
Step | Regex |
I reset the filters | /^(?:|I )reset the filters$/ |
I filter the list | /^(?:|I )filter the list$/ |
I should see the filters | /^(?:|I )should see the filters$/ |
I should not see the filters | /^(?:|I )should not see the filters$/ |
I click filters | /^(?:|I )click filters$/ |
I select "Email" filter | /^(?:|I )select "([^"]*)" filter$/ |
I select filters:|ID ||Name| | /^(?:|I )select filters:$/ |
I should see "Firstname" filter | /^(?:|I )should see "([^"]*)" filter$/ |
I should see filters:|ID ||Name| | /^(?:|I )should see filters:$/ |
I filter "ID" with "1" | /^(?:|I )filter "([^"]*)" with "([^"]*)"$/ |
Step | Regex |
I check checkbox in row "1" | /^(?:|I )check checkbox in row "([^"]*)"$/ |
I check All-Elements checkbox | /^(?:|I )check All-Elements checkbox$/ |
Step | Regex |
I should see "success" flash message with "Sucessfully updated entity!" | /^(?:|I )should see "([^"]*)" flash message with "(?P<text>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/ |
I close flash message | /^(?:|I )close flash message$/ |
User & Authentication
Step | Regex |
I delete last created user | /^(?:|I )delete last created user$/ |
I am authenticated User | /^I am an authenticated User$/ |
I have role "ROLE_SONATA_ADMIN" | /^I have role "([^"]*)"$/ |
I am authenticated as User "" | /^I am authenticated as User "([^"]*)"$/ |
I logout User | /^(?:|I )logout User$/ |
I impersonate user "" | /^(?:|I )impersonate user "([^"]*)"$/ |
Step | Regex |
I select "Delete" from batch actions | /^(?:|I )select "([^"]*)" from batch actions$/ |
Step | Regex |
I should see "ID, Firstname, Lastname" list columns | /^(?:|I )should see "([^"]*)" list columns$/ |
I should see list columns:|ID||Firstname||Lastname| | /^(?:|I )should see list columns:$/ |
I should not see "Email, Password" list columns | /^(?:|I )should not see "([^"]*)" list columns$/ |
I should not see list columns:|ID||Firstname||Lastname| | /^(?:|I )should not see list columns:$/ |
I should see "ID" list column | /^(?:|I )should see "([^"]*)" list column$/ |
I should not see "Password" list column | /^(?:|I )should not see "([^"]*)" list column$/ |
I should see "" in row "1" on column "Email" | /^(?:|I )should see "(?P<value>[^"]*)" in row "(?P<row>[^"]*)" on column "(?P<column>[^"]*)"$/ |
I should see "" in row "1" on column "Email" (use data-row: "mail") | /^(?:|I )should see "(?P<value>[^"]*)" in row "(?P<row>[^"]*)" on column "(?P<column>[^"]*)" \(use data-name: "(?P<dataName>[^"]*)"\)$/ |
the row "1" should contain "" on column "Email" | /^(?:|the )row "(?P<row>[^"]*)" should contain "(?P<value>[^"]*)" on column "(?P<column>[^"]*)"$/ |
the row "1" should contain "" on column "Email" (use data-row: "mail") | /^(?:|the )row "(?P<row>[^"]*)" should contain "(?P<value>[^"]*)" on column "(?P<column>[^"]*)" \(use data-name: "(?P<dataName>[^"]*)"\)$/ |
I should see nothing in row "1" on column "Email" | /^(?:|I )should see nothing in row "(?P<row>[^"]*)" on column "(?P<column>[^"]*)"$/ |
I should see nothing in row "1" on column "Email" (use data-row: "mail") | /^(?:|I )should see nothing in row "(?P<row>[^"]*)" on column "(?P<column>[^"]*)" \(use data-name: "(?P<dataName>[^"]*)"\)$/ |
the row "1" should contain nothing on column "Email" | /^(?:|the )row "(?P<row>[^"]*)" should contain nothing on column "(?P<column>[^"]*)"$/ |
the row "1" should contain nothing on column "Email" (use data-row: "mail") | /^(?:|the )row "(?P<row>[^"]*)" should contain nothing on column "(?P<column>[^"]*)" \(use data-name: "(?P<dataName>[^"]*)"\)$/ |
the value in row "1" on column "Email" should end with "" | /^(?:|the )value in row "(?P<row>[^"]*)" on column "(?P<column>[^"]*)" should end with "(?P<end>[^"]*)"$/ |
the value in row "1" on column "Email" should end with "" (use data-row: "mail") | /^(?:|the )value in row "(?P<row>[^"]*)" on column "(?P<column>[^"]*)" should end with "(?P<end>[^"]*)" \(use data-name: "(?P<dataName>[^"]*)"\)$/ |
Form fields
Step | Regex |
the field "Firstname" should be empty | /^the "(?P<field>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" field should be empty$/ |
the "Firstname" field should be empty | /^the field "(?P<field>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" should be empty$/ |
the field "Password" should not be empty | /^the "(?P<field>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" field should not be empty$/ |
the "Password" field should not be empty | /^the field "(?P<field>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" should not be empty$/ |
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