Get support for PedroTroller/PhpCSFixer-Custom-Fixers
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PHP-CS-FIXER : Custom fixers
composer require pedrotroller/php-cs-custom-fixer --dev
// .php_cs.dist
$config = PhpCsFixer\Config::create()
// ...
->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers())
// ...
return $config;
Step definition methods in Behat contexts MUST BE ordered by annotation and method name.
Available options
(optional): Parent class or interface of your behat context classes.- default:
- default:
Configuration examples
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
// ...
'PedroTroller/order_behat_steps' => true,
// ...
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
OR using my rule list builder.
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
--- Original // 80 chars
+++ New //
@@ @@ //
} //
/** //
- * @Then the response should be received //
+ * @BeforeScenario //
*/ //
- public function theResponseShouldBeReceived() //
+ public function reset() //
{ //
// ... //
} //
/** //
- * @When a demo scenario sends a request to :path //
+ * @Given I am on the homepage //
*/ //
- public function aDemoScenarioSendsARequestTo($path) //
+ public function iAmOnTheHomepage() //
{ //
// ... //
} //
/** //
- * @Given I am on the homepage //
+ * @When a demo scenario sends a request to :path //
*/ //
- public function iAmOnTheHomepage() //
+ public function aDemoScenarioSendsARequestTo($path) //
{ //
// ... //
} //
/** //
- * @BeforeScenario //
+ * @Then the response should be received //
*/ //
- public function reset() //
+ public function theResponseShouldBeReceived() //
{ //
// ... //
} //
} //
Configuration examples
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
// ...
'PedroTroller/order_behat_steps' => [ 'instanceof' => [ 'Behat\Behat\Context\Context' ] ],
// ...
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
OR using my rule list builder.
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
->enable('PedroTroller/order_behat_steps', [ 'instanceof' => [ 'Behat\Behat\Context\Context' ] ])
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
--- Original // 80 chars
+++ New //
@@ @@ //
} //
/** //
- * @Then the response should be received //
+ * @BeforeScenario //
*/ //
- public function theResponseShouldBeReceived() //
+ public function reset() //
{ //
// ... //
} //
/** //
- * @When a demo scenario sends a request to :path //
+ * @Given I am on the homepage //
*/ //
- public function aDemoScenarioSendsARequestTo($path) //
+ public function iAmOnTheHomepage() //
{ //
// ... //
} //
/** //
- * @Given I am on the homepage //
+ * @When a demo scenario sends a request to :path //
*/ //
- public function iAmOnTheHomepage() //
+ public function aDemoScenarioSendsARequestTo($path) //
{ //
// ... //
} //
/** //
- * @BeforeScenario //
+ * @Then the response should be received //
*/ //
- public function reset() //
+ public function theResponseShouldBeReceived() //
{ //
// ... //
} //
} //
Class/interface/trait methods MUST BE ordered (accessors at the beginning of the class, ordered following properties order).
Configuration examples
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
// ...
'PedroTroller/ordered_with_getter_and_setter_first' => true,
// ...
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
OR using my rule list builder.
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
--- Original // 80 chars
+++ New //
@@ @@ //
} //
} //
- public function setFirstName($firstName) //
+ public function getIdentifier() //
{ //
- $this->firstName = $firstName; //
+ return $this->identifier; //
} //
- public function setName($name) //
+ public function getName() //
{ //
- $this->name = $name; //
+ return $this->name; //
} //
- public function isEnabled() //
+ public function setName($name) //
{ //
- return $this->enabled; //
+ $this->name = $name; //
} //
- public function getName() //
+ public function getFirstName() //
{ //
- return $this->name; //
+ return $this->firstName; //
} //
- public function getIdentifier() //
+ public function setFirstName($firstName) //
{ //
- return $this->identifier; //
+ $this->firstName = $firstName; //
} //
- public function getFirstName() //
+ public function isEnabled() //
{ //
- return $this->firstName; //
+ return $this->enabled; //
} //
public function enable() //
Exception messages MUST ends by ".", "…", "?" or "!".Risky: will change the exception message.
Configuration examples
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
// ...
'PedroTroller/exceptions_punctuation' => true,
// ...
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
OR using my rule list builder.
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
--- Original // 80 chars
+++ New //
@@ @@ //
class MyClass { //
public function fun1() //
{ //
- throw new \Exception('This is the message'); //
+ throw new \Exception('This is the message.'); //
} //
public function fun2($data) //
{ //
- throw new LogicException(sprintf('This is the %s', 'message')); //
+ throw new LogicException(sprintf('This is the %s.', 'message')); //
} //
} //
Prohibited functions MUST BE commented on as prohibited
Available options
(optional): The function names to be marked how prohibited- default:
- default:
(optional): The prohibition message to put in the comment- default:
@TODO remove this line
- default:
Configuration examples
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
// ...
'PedroTroller/forbidden_functions' => [ 'comment' => 'YOLO' ],
// ...
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
OR using my rule list builder.
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
->enable('PedroTroller/forbidden_functions', [ 'comment' => 'YOLO' ])
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
--- Original // 80 chars
+++ New //
@@ @@ //
class MyClass { //
public function fun() //
{ //
- var_dump('this is a var_dump'); //
+ var_dump('this is a var_dump'); // YOLO //
$this->dump($this); //
Configuration examples
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
// ...
'PedroTroller/forbidden_functions' => [ 'comment' => 'NEIN NEIN NEIN !!!', 'functions' => [ 'var_dump', 'var_export' ] ],
// ...
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
OR using my rule list builder.
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
->enable('PedroTroller/forbidden_functions', [ 'comment' => 'NEIN NEIN NEIN !!!', 'functions' => [ 'var_dump', 'var_export' ] ])
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
--- Original // 80 chars
+++ New //
@@ @@ //
class MyClass { //
public function fun() //
{ //
- var_dump('this is a var_dump'); //
+ var_dump('this is a var_dump'); // NEIN NEIN NEIN !!! //
$this->dump($this); //
- return var_export($this); //
+ return var_export($this); // NEIN NEIN NEIN !!! //
} //
public function dump($data) //
If the declaration of a method is too long, the arguments of this method MUST BE separated (one argument per line)
Available options
(optional): The maximum number of arguments allowed with splitting the arguments into several lines (usefalse
to disable this feature)- default:
- default:
(optional): The maximum number of characters allowed with splitting the arguments into several lines- default:
- default:
(optional): If both conditions are met (the line is not too long and there are not too many arguments), then the arguments are put back inline- default:
- default:
(optional): In the case of a split, the declaration of the attributes of the arguments of the method will be on the same line as the arguments themselves- default:
- default:
Configuration examples
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
// ...
'PedroTroller/line_break_between_method_arguments' => [ 'max-args' => 4, 'max-length' => 120, 'automatic-argument-merge' => true, 'inline-attributes' => true ],
// ...
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
OR using my rule list builder.
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
->enable('PedroTroller/line_break_between_method_arguments', [ 'max-args' => 4, 'max-length' => 120, 'automatic-argument-merge' => true, 'inline-attributes' => true ])
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
--- Original // 80 chars
+++ New //
@@ @@ //
return; //
} //
- public function fun2($arg1, array $arg2 = [], \ArrayAccess $arg3 = null, bool $bool = true, \Iterator $thisLastArgument = null)
- { //
+ public function fun2( //
+ $arg1, //
+ array $arg2 = [], //
+ \ArrayAccess $arg3 = null, //
+ bool $bool = true, //
+ \Iterator $thisLastArgument = null //
+ ) { //
return; //
} //
- public function fun3( //
- $arg1, //
- array $arg2 = [] //
- ) { //
+ public function fun3($arg1, array $arg2 = []) //
+ { //
return; //
} //
} //
Configuration examples
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
// ...
'PedroTroller/line_break_between_method_arguments' => [ 'max-args' => false, 'max-length' => 120, 'automatic-argument-merge' => true, 'inline-attributes' => true ],
// ...
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
OR using my rule list builder.
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
->enable('PedroTroller/line_break_between_method_arguments', [ 'max-args' => false, 'max-length' => 120, 'automatic-argument-merge' => true, 'inline-attributes' => true ])
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
--- Original // 80 chars
+++ New //
@@ @@ //
return; //
} //
- public function fun2($arg1, array $arg2 = [], \ArrayAccess $arg3 = null, bool $bool = true, \Iterator $thisLastArgument = null)
- { //
+ public function fun2( //
+ $arg1, //
+ array $arg2 = [], //
+ \ArrayAccess $arg3 = null, //
+ bool $bool = true, //
+ \Iterator $thisLastArgument = null //
+ ) { //
return; //
} //
- public function fun3( //
- $arg1, //
- array $arg2 = [] //
- ) { //
+ public function fun3($arg1, array $arg2 = []) //
+ { //
return; //
} //
} //
Each statement (in, for, foreach, ...) MUST BE separated by an empty line
Configuration examples
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
// ...
'PedroTroller/line_break_between_statements' => true,
// ...
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
OR using my rule list builder.
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
--- Original // 80 chars
+++ New //
@@ @@ //
do { //
// ... //
} while (true); //
+ //
foreach (['foo', 'bar'] as $str) { //
// ... //
} //
+ //
if (true === false) { //
// ... //
} //
- //
while (true) { //
// ... //
Classy elements (method, property, ...) comments MUST BE a PhpDoc block
Configuration examples
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
// ...
'PedroTroller/comment_line_to_phpdoc_block' => true,
// ...
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
OR using my rule list builder.
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
--- Original // 80 chars
+++ New //
@@ @@ //
*/ //
private $name; //
- // @var string | null //
+ /** //
+ * @var string | null //
+ */ //
private $value; //
/** //
@@ @@ //
$this->name = $name; //
} //
- // Get the name //
- // //
- // @return string //
+ /** //
+ * Get the name //
+ * //
+ * @return string //
+ */ //
public function getName() //
{ //
return $this->name; //
} //
- // Get the value //
- // @return null | string //
+ /** //
+ * Get the value //
+ * @return null | string //
+ */ //
public function getValue() //
{ //
return $this->value; //
} //
- // Set the value //
- //
- // @param string $value //
+ /** //
+ * Set the value //
+ * @param string $value //
+ */ //
public function setValue($value) //
{ //
$this->value = $value; //
} //
} //
All return
that are not accessible (i.e. following another return
) MUST BE deleted
Configuration examples
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
// ...
'PedroTroller/useless_code_after_return' => true,
// ...
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
OR using my rule list builder.
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
--- Original // 80 chars
+++ New //
@@ @@ //
*/ //
public function fun1(Model\User $user, Model\Address $address = null) { //
return; //
- //
- $user->setName('foo'); //
- //
- return $this; //
} //
/** //
@@ @@ //
switch ($this->status) { //
case 1: //
return $this->name; //
- break; //
default: //
return $this; //
- return $this; //
} //
} //
@@ @@ //
*/ //
public function buildCallable() //
{ //
- return function () { return true; return false; }; //
+ return function () { return true; }; //
} //
} //
Unnecessary empty methods (getDescription()
, up()
, down()
) and comments MUST BE removed from Doctrine migrations
Available options
(optional): The parent class of which Doctrine migrations extend- default:
- default:
Configuration examples
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
// ...
'PedroTroller/doctrine_migrations' => true,
// ...
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
OR using my rule list builder.
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
--- Original // 80 chars
+++ New //
@@ @@ //
use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema; //
use Doctrine\Migrations\AbstractMigration; //
-/** //
- * Auto-generated Migration: Please modify to your needs! //
- */ //
final class Version20190323095102 extends AbstractMigration //
{ //
- public function getDescription() //
- { //
- return ''; //
- } //
public function up(Schema $schema) //
{ //
- // this up() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs//
$this->abortIf('mysql' !== $this->connection->getDatabasePlatform()->getName(), 'Migration can only be executed safely on \'mysql\'.');
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE admin (identifier CHAR(36) NOT NULL COMMENT \'(DC2Type:guid)\', PRIMARY KEY(identifier)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci ENGINE = InnoDB');
@@ @@ //
public function down(Schema $schema) //
{ //
- // this down() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
$this->abortIf('mysql' !== $this->connection->getDatabasePlatform()->getName(), 'Migration can only be executed safely on \'mysql\'.');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE admin'); //
} //
} //
Configuration examples
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
// ...
'PedroTroller/doctrine_migrations' => [ 'instanceof' => [ 'Doctrine\Migrations\AbstractMigration' ] ],
// ...
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
OR using my rule list builder.
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
->enable('PedroTroller/doctrine_migrations', [ 'instanceof' => [ 'Doctrine\Migrations\AbstractMigration' ] ])
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
--- Original // 80 chars
+++ New //
@@ @@ //
use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema; //
use Doctrine\Migrations\AbstractMigration; //
-/** //
- * Auto-generated Migration: Please modify to your needs! //
- */ //
final class Version20190323095102 extends AbstractMigration //
{ //
- public function getDescription() //
- { //
- return ''; //
- } //
public function up(Schema $schema) //
{ //
- // this up() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs//
$this->abortIf('mysql' !== $this->connection->getDatabasePlatform()->getName(), 'Migration can only be executed safely on \'mysql\'.');
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE admin (identifier CHAR(36) NOT NULL COMMENT \'(DC2Type:guid)\', PRIMARY KEY(identifier)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci ENGINE = InnoDB');
@@ @@ //
public function down(Schema $schema) //
{ //
- // this down() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
$this->abortIf('mysql' !== $this->connection->getDatabasePlatform()->getName(), 'Migration can only be executed safely on \'mysql\'.');
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE admin'); //
} //
} //
Phpspec scenario functions MUST NOT have a return type declaration.
Phpspec scenario functions MUST NOT have a scope.
The methods of the phpspec specification classes MUST BE sorted (let, letGo, its_, it_, getMatchers and the rest of the methods)
Lambda functions MUST NOT have a static scope.
Available options
(optional): Parent classes of your spec classes.- default:
- default:
Configuration examples
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
// ...
'PedroTroller/phpspec' => true,
// ...
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
OR using my rule list builder.
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
--- Original // 80 chars
+++ New //
@@ @@ //
class TheSpec extends ObjectBehavior //
{ //
- function letGo($file) { //
+ function let($file) { //
return; //
} //
- private function thePrivateMethod() { //
+ function letGo($file) { //
return; //
} //
- public function itIsNotASpec($file) { //
+ function it_is_a_spec($file) { //
return; //
} //
- public function it_is_a_spec($file) { //
+ function its_other_function($file) { //
return; //
} //
- public function let($file) { //
+ private function thePrivateMethod() { //
return; //
} //
- public function its_other_function($file) { //
+ public function itIsNotASpec($file) { //
return; //
} //
} //
Configuration examples
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
// ...
'PedroTroller/phpspec' => [ 'instanceof' => [ 'PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior' ] ],
// ...
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
OR using my rule list builder.
// .php_cs.dist
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
// ...
->enable('PedroTroller/phpspec', [ 'instanceof' => [ 'PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior' ] ])
$config->registerCustomFixers(new PedroTroller\CS\Fixer\Fixers());
// ...
return $config;
--- Original // 80 chars
+++ New //
@@ @@ //
class TheSpec extends ObjectBehavior //
{ //
- function letGo($file) { //
+ function let($file) { //
return; //
} //
- private function thePrivateMethod() { //
+ function letGo($file) { //
return; //
} //
- public function itIsNotASpec($file) { //
+ function it_is_a_spec($file) { //
return; //
} //
- public function it_is_a_spec($file) { //
+ function its_other_function($file) { //
return; //
} //
- public function let($file) { //
+ private function thePrivateMethod() { //
return; //
} //
- public function its_other_function($file) { //
+ public function itIsNotASpec($file) { //
return; //
} //
} //
Before to create a pull request to submit your contributon, you must:
- run tests and be sure nothing is broken
- rebuilt the documentation
How to run tests
composer tests
How to rebuild the documentation
bin/doc >
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