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➤ Table of Contents


➤ Ambition

The ambition of this project is to try to bring to CircleCI the functionality that actions/github-script brings to Github Actions. This porting is done through a CircleCI Orb.


➤ How to use ?

Read the documentation from the CircleCI Orb Registry.


➤ Documentation


This application use the awesome @appnest/readme package to generate it's documentation.

How to rebuild the documentation ?

You need to install nodejs and then, juste run npx @appnest/readme generate.


➤ You want to contribute ? Welcome !

Commit name convention

This project follow the Conventional Commits specification, so please, respect the convention. The versionning system depends on this convention.

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With just a short description of the problem or the need, it's simpler to review it and to understand.

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We want to make open source more sustainable. The entire platform was born from this and everything we do is in aid of this.

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