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A PHP library for the Glances XML/RPC API
What is Glances?
- Glances is a CLI system monitor written in Python
What does this library do?
- If Glances is run as
glances -s
then information can be retrieved from it using an XML/RPC API
Read the specification of the Glances API:
Dependencies: Per default, any extensions are useful. But if extensions PHP-Curl, PHP-JSON, PHP-SimpleXML and PHP-XML-RPC are load, then PHPGlances will be more optimal.
Example usage:
include_once '../PHPGlances/PHPGlances.php';
$oGlances = new PHPGlances('', 61209);
$bAlive = $oGlances->pingServer();
echo 'Can\'t connect to the server';
} else {
$res = $oGlances->listMethods();
echo 'listMethods : ';
echo '<ul>';
foreach($res as $item){
echo '<li>'.$item.'</li>';
echo '</ul>';
echo 'getCore : <br />';
echo 'Core : '.$oGlances->getCore().'<br />';
echo '<br />';
Version 0.1
- Initial Release
Version 0.2
- ADDED pingServer() which return a boolean to check if Glances server is available
- ADDED Replacement for functions used in Curl / JSON / SimpleXML / XmlRPC (Issue #3)
- ADDED getError() which return a string with the intercepted error when a function (like listMethods()) return false
- ADDED setCacheStatus() which permits to disable and enable the cache & getCacheStatus() which permits to get the status (true or false) of the cache
Version 0.3 current
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