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View Open IssuesTake a look to see if anyone else has experienced the same issue as you and if they managed to solve it.
Open an IssueMake sure to read any relevant guidelines for opening issues on this repo before posting a new issue.
Sponsor directlyCheck out the page and see if there are any options to sponsor this project or it's developers directly.
Community Service & PrestaShop X modules
To work as a Community Service or as PrestaShop X, a module needs three parts:
module ps_accounts
- Contains all the controllers
library npm
- Contains all the vuejs components to manage onboarding
library composer
- Wraps all the calls to ps_accounts
- Contains all the Firebase logic
composer require prestashop/prestashop-accounts-auth
Each PrestaShop X modules require that the module ps_accounts is installed in order to precess to the onboarding. PrestaShop X modules need to install ps_accounts in their install() method. In order to simplify that, we have created a method that handle it for you:
(new PrestaShop\AccountsAuth\Installer\Install())->installPsAccounts()
eg: You need to call the method above in the install() method in the main class of your module:
* Function executed at the install of the module
* @return bool
public function install()
return (new PrestaShop\AccountsAuth\Installer\Install())->installPsAccounts() &&
In your PrestaShop X or Community Service module:
- In the module's controllers and/or main class, get onboarding presenter and go to the view used by the viewsjs component
$psAccountPresenter = new PrestaShop\AccountsAuth\Presenter\PsAccountsPresenter($this->name);
'contextPsAccounts' => $psAccountPresenter->present(),
The $psAccountPresenter format is:
'psIs17' => bool,
'psAccountsInstallLink' => null|string,
'psAccountsEnableLink' => null|string,
'onboardingLink' => string,
'user' => [
'email' => null|string,
'emailIsValidated' => bool,
'isSuperAdmin' => bool,
'currentShop' => [
'id' => string,
'name' => string,
'domain' => string,
'domainSsl' => string,
'url' => string,
'shops' => [],
'firebaseRefreshToken' => null|string,
'superAdminEmail' => string,
'ssoResendVerificationEmail' => string,
This library also provides PrestaShop Billing features and helpers to let your module call PrestaShop Billing API.
N.B.: To be able to call Billing API, you need to onboard the shop first
Subscribe to a free plan after onboarding
After a successful onboarding, you should probably register your merchant to a base Billing plan (if you have multiple levels of services, the base one is probably free). Let it go:
$billingService = new \PrestaShop\AccountsAuth\Service\PsBillingService();
$shopId = false; // Set this ID to the current shop in multishop context. False otherwise.
$ip = null; // Set this to the browser IP (the call is made from the backoffice by the merchant).
$result = $billingService->subscribeToFreePlan('<your_module>', '<your_basic_plan>', $shopId, $ip);
The result
will present these IDs:
'shopAccountId' => '<The PS Accounts shop ID, set after onboarding>',
'customerId' => '<The PS Billing customer ID, linked to shop account>',
'subscriptionId' => '<The subscription ID of the given plan>'
Or an \Exception
will be thrown in case of error:
- Code
: 'Shop account unknown.'. The shop is not fully onboarded into PS Account process. - Code
: 'Subscription plan name mismatch.'. The given plan does not match an available one. - Code
: 'Billing customer request failed.'. The API call cannot be done. - Code
: 'Billing subscriptions request failed.'. The API call cannot be done. - Code
: 'Billing customer creation failed.'. The Billing customer cannot be created. - Code
: 'Billing subscription creation failed.'. The Billing subscription cannot be created.
Run php-cs-fixer
php vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix
Run phpstan for prestashop path/to/clone
docker run -tid --rm -v ps-volume:/var/www/html --name temp-ps prestashop/prestashop:;
docker run --rm --volumes-from temp-ps -v $PWD:/web/module -v path/to/clone:/web/ps_accounts -e _PS_ROOT_DIR_=/var/www/html --workdir=/web/module phpstan/phpstan:0.12 analyse --configuration=/web/module/tests/phpstan/phpstan-PS-1.6.neon
Run phpstan for prestashop path/to/clone
docker run -tid --rm -v ps-volume:/var/www/html --name temp-ps prestashop/prestashop:;
docker run --rm --volumes-from temp-ps -v $PWD:/web/module -v path/to/clone:/web/ps_accounts -e _PS_ROOT_DIR_=/var/www/html --workdir=/web/module phpstan/phpstan:0.12 analyse --configuration=/web/module/tests/phpstan/phpstan-PS-1.7.neon
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We want to make open source more sustainable. The entire platform was born from this and everything we do is in aid of this.
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