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GridControl provisions and links multiple servers together to form a Grid.
Files are synchronized, Opinionated Pub/Sub system is implemented, Servers get linked together.
You develop, you play, in a scalable way. The more Servers you add to the Grid, the more calculation power you get.
5 minutes to get started. By the authors of PM2.
Behind the scenes: GridControl is a network layer built on top of PM2 allowing file synchronization, inter-process communication via an opionated PUB/SUB system and a wide-range system discovery
- 0 conf Auto discovery system via multiple DNS
- 0 conf P2P application source sharing
- Ecosystem Grid management toolbox (CLI, provisioning, Logs, Monitoring)
- Secure Diffie Hellman key exchange and password authentication
- Decentralized Each Node can trigger actions executed by another Nodes
- Fast Grid interconnected via TCP sockets
- Fast Services are started once, then stay alive waiting for inputs. This saves non-negligible startup time
- Polyglot Services can be written in any language
- Compatible with Amazon Lambda, Google Cloud Functions
- Rock Solid PM2 behind the scene for process management and cluster capabilities
- And a lot more like Buffering, Retry on Failure...
Creating a Grid
Install your Swiss Army Knife to manage a Grid:
$ npm install grid-cli -g
Now the bin grid
is available via the CLI.
1/ Generate a new Gridfile in the current path that contains grid name, grid password, host and SSH keys:
$ grid new
The Gridfile will look like this:
grid_name = 'grid-name'
grid_password = 'xxxx'
servers = [
ssh_key = '''
ssh_public_key = '''
Change each attribute to the desired value. Note that an SSH client should be running on the defaut port (22) on each remote machine
2/ Provision every host listed in the Gridfile:
$ grid provision
This will copy the SSH pub key and install NVM, Node.js, PM2 and Gridcontrol This installation does not need ROOT access rights at any time
3/ Grid management
$ grid dash
Commands to manage your grid:
# List all nodes linked to the grid
$ grid ls
# Display Dashboard
$ grid dash
# Execute a command on each server
$ grid multissh <bash_command>
# Restart/Recover the current Grid
$ grid restart
# Upgrade Gridcontrol to latest version
$ grid upgrade
# Display realtime logs of all tasks
$ grid logs
# Monitor the whole Grid with Keymetrics
$ grid monitor <secret> <public>
$ grid unmonitor
# Interactively SSH into desired machine
$ grid ssh
Interact with the Grid
Now let's play with the Grid. You can generate a sample project by typing:
$ grid sample [project-name]
$ cd [project-name]
$ npm install
Now you'll have a project that looks like this:
├── index.js
├── package.json
└── tasks
└── get-ip.js
Let's look at the content of tasks/get-ip.js
, this is a task that will be propagated in the grid:
var request = require('request');
module.exports = function(context, cb) {
request('', function (error, response, body) {
if (error)
return cb(error);
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
return cb(null, body);
To call this function, look at how it's done in index.js
var grid = require('grid-api').init({
instances : 1,
env : {
NODE_ENV : 'development'
function triggerTask() {
// 'get-ip' is the filename
grid.exec('get-ip', function(err, data, server) {
if (err) {
return false;
console.log('Got response from server pub_ip=(%s) priv_ip=(%s):',
grid.on('ready', function() {
console.log('Gridcontrol Ready');
setInterval(triggerTask, 1000);
Start the main application:
$ node index.js
At the beginning, only the local gridcontrol will respond. Once the other peers are synchronized they will also process the queries:
Got response from server pub_ip=( priv_ip=(
Got response from server pub_ip=( priv_ip=(
Got response from server pub_ip=( priv_ip=(
Got response from server pub_ip=( priv_ip=(
Distributed processing, on-premise!
If you find any issues please open an issue on Github
For Contributing please refer to docs/
Apache V2 (see LICENSE.txt)
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