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Awesome PHPStorm Buy Phil a tree

A curated list of amazingly awesome PHPStorm plugins, resources and other shiny things sorted by category and alphabet. Commercial/payed plugins will be marked with a behind the name.




Code Quality

  • PhpMetrics - PhpMetrics is a static analysis tool for PHP.
  • Php Inspections (EA Extended) - This plugin is a Static Code Analysis tool for PHP (aka inspections in JetBrains products).
  • SonarLint - SonarLint is a static analysis tool for PHP, it runs static analysis locally showing issues in realtime as you edit and can be integrated with a Sonar server.


  • Kubernetes - Interact with your k8s cluster, preview helm teplates, resource deprecation notices and much more

File types

  • composer.json - This plugin adds auto completion and inspections support for composer.json file in PHP projects.
  • .editorconfig - A JetBrains IDE plugin supporting the EditorConfig standard
  • .env - .env files support
  • .htaccess - Apache config (.htaccess) support
  • .ignore* - .ignore is a plugin for .gitignore (GIT), .hgignore (Mercurial), .npmignore (NPM), .dockerignore (Docker), .chefignore (Chef), .cvsignore (CVS), .bzrignore (Bazaar), .boringignore (Darcs), .mtn-ignore (Monotone), ignore-glob (Fossil), .jshintignore (JSHint), .tfignore (Team Foundation), .p4ignore (Perforce), .flooignore (Floobits), .eslintignore (ESLint), .cfignore (Cloud Foundry), .jpmignore (Jetpack), .stylelintignore (StyleLint), .stylintignore (Stylint), .swagger-codegen-ignore (Swagger Codegen), .helmignore (Kubernetes Helm), .upignore (Up) files in your project.
  • Makefile - Support for UNIX Makefiles
  • Markdown - Markdown language support for IntelliJ platform


  • CakePHP IdeHelper - Framework plugin for better IDE autocomplete/typehinting support.
  • Laravel Plugin - Supports Laravel Route, Blade, DIC, etc.
  • Magicento - Commercial plugin which supports Magento 1.x and 2.x.
  • Symfony Plugin - Tons a small useful tweaks for Symfony, Doctrine, Twig etc.
  • Yii2 - Provides Yii 2 Framework support for PhpStorm and IntelliJ IDEA.


  • Friday Mario - The first plugin in the world to gamify development in IntelliJ IDEs. Basically, it plays sounds from Mario video game on various actions.
  • Nyan Progress Bar - Pretty progress bars for IJ based IDEs. Nayan Cat Progress Bar
  • Power Mode II - Power Mode Based on the activate-power-mode atom plugin and forked from Baptiste Mesta on Github.
  • Key Promoter X - Shows you how easy it is to do the same action using only keyboard (menus and toolbar button mouse clicks initiates shortcut display). Awesome to learn lots of keyboard shortcuts and forget about the mouse.


  • BashSupport - Bash language support for the IntelliJ platform. Supports syntax highlighting, rename refactoring, documentation lookup, inspections, quickfixes and much more.
  • NEON support - Nette Object Notation -


  • PHPUnit Enhancement - PhpStorm plugin to provide smart autocomplete, code navigation and refactoring features for mocked class methods. Its a fork of PHPUnit Autocomplete Assistant to support latest PhpStorm API and provide additional PhpUnit / Prophecy features



  • deep-assoc-completion - The plugin allows you to have auto-completion for PHP array keys inferred from other functions (also for mysqli and PDO results).
  • 3v4l pl4g1n - The plugin allows you to run your code on more than 150 different PHP versions using
  • String Manipulation - Provides actions for text manipulation: change case, encode/decode (md5, hex, base64), increment/decrement, sort lines, allign
  • CamelCase - Switch easily between CamelCase, camelCase, snake_case and SNAKE_CASE. See Edit menu or use SHIFT + ALT + U.
  • Lines Sorter - Add Sort Lines action in Edit menu to sort selected lines or whole file if selection is empty.
  • PHP Annotations - Adds support for PHP annotations
  • PHP Toolbox - Adds completion and typing for many libraries using dynamic returns types based on arguments
  • RegexpTester - Regular Expression Tester for IntelliJ IDEA. Allows you to experiment with Java regular expressions in a dynamic environment.
  • Options completion plugin - Parses phpDocumentor's hash description and shows supported keys.
  • CodeGlance - Embeds a code minimap similar to the one found in Sublime into the editor pane.
  • Rainbow Brackets - Colored matching brackets.
  • Better Highlights - This plugin allows you to colorize/highlight comments and language keywords. Inside comments could be colorized and referenced source code, files and other comments.
  • Scan Mode - Toggle font size and line spacing by keyboard shortcut.


  • @phpstorm - The official PhpStorm twitter account, they are very active and can answer almost every question you have about the IDE.
  • PhpStorm Tips - Keyboard shortcuts may differ depending on OS and keymap. This account is not affiliated with JetBrains. By @rskuipers.



To the extent possible under law, Cees-Jan Kiewiet has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.

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