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This bundle is not necessary anymore if you use API Platform 2.0 or superior. API Platform now supports natively Swagger and Postman is able to create collections from a Swagger documentation.
Generator for Postman collection based on API Platform.
Install this bundle through Composer:
composer require --dev api-platform/postman-collection-generator
Using Symfony, update your AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
if ($this->getEnvironment() != 'prod') {
$bundles[] = new PostmanGeneratorBundle\PostmanGeneratorBundle();
This library requires some configuration. Edit your app/config_dev.yml
file as following:
name: Name of your API # Required
description: Description of your API # Optional, default: null
baseUrl: # Required
public: false # Optional, default: false
authentication: oauth2 # Optional, default: null
defaultLocale: fr_FR # Optional, default: en_GB
This bundle provides a unique command to automatically generate a Postman collection based on your API Platform
project configuration. Run php app/console postman:collection:build --help
for more details.
Use parsers
This library provides a simple way to extend it, called parsers
. There are 2 of them: request parsers & command
Request parsers
Request parsers are services executed to edit Postman requests before being sent to collection. You can, for example, add a custom authentication header, add some tests, etc.
To create your own request parser, your service must implement PostmanGeneratorBundle\RequestParser\RequestParserInterface
and has a tag postman.request_parser
Careful: some request parsers may be executed before yours. Check for priority
process in Symfony Dependency Injection.
Command parsers
Command parsers are services executed to connect to the main command, for example to ask for authentication access.
To create your own command parser, your service must implement PostmanGeneratorBundle\CommandParser\CommandParserInterface
and has a tag postman.command_parser
. parse
method allows you to ask questions to user, and execute
method to do
your stuff.
Careful: some command parsers may be executed before yours. Check for priority
process in Symfony Dependency Injection.
By default, this library can manage OAuth2 authentication. To use it, fill authentication
configuration key using oauth2
. When using main command, you will be prompt for some login/password. They will be
managed as environment variables in Postman.
Feel free to add your own authenticators as request & command parsers.
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