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Awesome Yii 2 Framework Awesome


A curated list of awesome Yii Framework extensions, tutorials and other nice things. Inspired by awesome-php and other awesome lists.




Project structure examples


Made with Yii 2

  • - Projects built on Yii framework. Anyone can add a project.
  • HumHub - The flexible Open Source Social Network Kit.
  • Zurmo - Open Source Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
  • Stay - Travel recommendations by qualified locals.
  • Piclyf - Bring your profile picture to life.
  • dotPlant - Open-source E-Commerce CMS based on Yii 2 made by
  • LUYA - The Yii 2 CMS to build beautiful and easy editable websites pretty fast.
  • EASYII CMS - Control panel and tools.
  • Phundament - Universal HTML5 Application Boilerplates.
  • Craft 3 - Craft is a content-first CMS that aims to make life enjoyable for developers and content managers alike.
  • Podium - Forum engine made with Yii.


Widgets / GUI


Geo / Maps

  • 2amigos/yii2-leaflet-library - Extension library to display interactive maps with Leaflet.
  • amstr1k/yii2-geography - Extension to work with cities and countries from the database.
  • Geonames - GeoNames geographical database covers all countries and contains over eleven million placenames that are available for download free of charge.




Tools and integrations



  • Stack Overflow - Questions and answers on Stack Overflow about Yii.
  • My Yii - Yii Framework Community web is powerful source of information which helps you find and share tips and tricks how to create, manage and enhance your awesome Yii applications.
  • Yii 2 Forum - The official Yii 2 Forum.
  • LinkedIn - Yii 2 LinkedIn group.
  • Twitter - Yii frameworks Twitter account.
  • - Russian-speaking Yii 2 community.
  • Slack - Community in Slack.


Found an awesome package, article, blog, video or tutorial? Create a pull request! Just make sure to follow these contribution guidelines.

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If you're looking for Yii 1.1, check its own list here.



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