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Humhub Deployment

This repostiroy provides reliable deployments for Humhub. It allows you to install Humhub with a defined set of modules, themes and custom configuration.

It is using git submodules to handle dependencies and a Makefile to glue everything together on deployment.


  • Composer installed and availble as composer command in your PATH.
  • GNU Make
  • HumHub 1.3-dev or higher

Starting a new project

# create empty git repo in current folder
git init .

# add humhub and check out a stable version
git submodule add humhub
git -C ./humhub checkout v1.3-dev
git add humhub

# add this repo
git submodule add tools
echo "include tools/" > Makefile
git add Makefile

# composer.json is managed by the Makefile, so ignore it in git
echo "/composer.json" > .gitignore
git add .gitignore

commit your changes and you are ready to go.


Run make deploy in dev env or make deploy ENV=prod in production.

For development, make start and make stop provide shortcuts for starting the PHP builtin webserver. Use make start PORT=1234 to specify a different port to use.


Adding Modules

Add modules by putting them into the modules folder. This will be synced with humhub on deployment.

You can develop custom modules directly in your repo, or add other modules as git submodules. For example, adding the custom-pages module:

git submodule add modules/custom_pages

and optionally check out a specific version.

Module may provide a composer.json file to specify additional dependencies to be installed.

Adding Themes

Add themes by putting them into the themes folder. This will be synced with humhub on deployment.

You can develop custom themes directly in your repo, or add other themes as git submodules.

Changing Humhub Config


Installing Additional composer packages

For allowing to add additional composer packages without touching the original composer.json file provided by humhub, we use the wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin.

You should ignore composer.json in .gitignore as this file is manged by the Makefile. If you want to add custom packages, create a composer.local.json file and specify all requirements and autoloading definitions there. The composer.lock file should be committed to the repository as it tracks the exact versions of installed packages and allows reliable deplyoments.

For updating packages, run composer update as you would normally do.

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