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- One click chart change
- Tiny - 4.4kb minified and gzipped
- Auto tooltips
- Auto h,w dimensions updates automatically when resizing
- Beautiful animations
- Callback events
- Simple data format
Download | Playground | Contribute
Grab the latest zip from releases, copy angular-charts.min.js
to web root, and refer it from page.
<script src='path/to/js/angular-charts.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
Add as dependency in your module
angular.module('yourApp', ['angularCharts']);
- angular
- d3
Install using bower
bower install angular-charts
Refer all dependencies in your page in right order
<script src='./bower_components/angular/angular.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='./bower_components/d3/d3.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='./bower_components/angular-charts/dist/angular-charts.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
Directive syntax
<div ac-chart="chartType" ac-data="data" ac-config="config" id='chart' class='chart'></div>
Note: chartType, data and config are properties of scope. Not the actual values.
ac-chart - string
Allowed values - 'pie', 'bar', 'line', 'point', 'area'
ac-config - object
var config = {
title: '', // chart title. If this is false, no title element will be created.
tooltips: true,
labels: false, // labels on data points
// exposed events
mouseover: function() {},
mouseout: function() {},
click: function() {},
// legend config
legend: {
display: true, // can be either 'left' or 'right'.
position: 'left',
// you can have html in series name
htmlEnabled: false
// override this array if you're not happy with default colors
colors: [],
innerRadius: 0, // Only on pie Charts
lineLegend: 'lineEnd', // Only on line Charts
lineCurveType: 'cardinal', // change this as per d3 guidelines to avoid smoothline
isAnimate: true, // run animations while rendering chart
yAxisTickFormat: 's', //refer tickFormats in d3 to edit this value
xAxisMaxTicks: 7, // Optional: maximum number of X axis ticks to show if data points exceed this number
yAxisTickFormat: 's', // refer tickFormats in d3 to edit this value
waitForHeightAndWidth: false // if true, it will not throw an error when the height or width are not defined (e.g. while creating a modal form), and it will be keep watching for valid height and width values
ac-data - object
Entire data structure looks like this
var acData = {
series: ["Sales", "Income", "Expense"],
data: [{
x: "Computers",
y: [54, 0, 879],
tooltip: "This is a tooltip"
series - string array
var series = [
data - object array
x defines what goes on x axis, must be a string, y defines what goes on y axis, must be an array of numbers. Values are mapped to series by index. y[0] belongs to series[0], y[1] belongs to series[1] and so on. Tooltip is optional.
Each data point looks like this
var dataPoint = {
x: "Computers",
y: [54, 0, 879],
tooltip: "This is a tooltip"
Note: series and data are arrays
Three events are exposed via config object.
click : function(d) {
mouseover : function(d) {
mouseout : function(d) {
Thanks to all awesome contributors
Some things to follow
Make sure all tests are passing.
Update this README if you are doing any change to config object.
Avoid any changes in data format
Keep backwards compatibility
git clone npm install bower install grunt
To run tests:
grunt karma
Got suggestions ?
Feel free to submit a pull request, file an issue, or get in touch on twitter @_chinmaymk
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We want to make open source more sustainable. The entire platform was born from this and everything we do is in aid of this.
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