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Kubernetes object matcher
K8S-ObjectMatcher is a Golang library which helps to match Kubernetes objects.
Here at Banzai Cloud we love and write lots of Kubernetes operators. While writing some complex operators as the Istio , Vault or Kafka operator, we encountered a huge amount of unnecessary Kubernetes object updates. Most of the operators out there are using reflect.DeepEquals
to match the given object's Spec
. Unfortunately, this solution is not perfect because every Kubernetes object is amended with different default values while submitted. This library aims to provide finer object matching capabilities to avoid unnecessary updates and more observability on the client side.
Legacy version deprecation notice
There is a legacy version of the lib, that is now deprecated and documented here: docs/
How does it work?
The library uses the same method that kubectl apply
does under the hood to calculate a patch using the three way merge method.
However for this to work properly we need to keep track of the last applied version of our object, let's call it the original
. Unfortunately Kubernetes does
not keep track of our previously submitted object versions, but we can put it into an annotation like kubectl apply
Next time we query the current
state of the object from the API Server we can extract the original
version from the annotation.
Once we have the the original
, the current
and our new modified
object in place the library will take care of the rest.
Example steps demonstrated on a v1.Service object
Create a new object, annotate it, then submit normally
original := &v1.Service{
if err := patch.DefaultAnnotator.SetLastAppliedAnnotation(original); err != nil {
Next time we check the diff and set the last applied annotation in case we have to update
modified := &v1.Service{
current, err := client.CoreV1().Services(modified.GetNamespace()).Get(modified.GetName(), metav1.Getoptions{})
patchResult, err := patch.DefaultPatchMaker.Calculate(current, modified)
if err != nil {
return err
if !patchResult.IsEmpty() {
if err := patch.DefaultAnnotator.SetLastAppliedAnnotation(modified); err != nil {
In certain cases there is a need to filter out certain fields when the patch generated by the library is false positive. To help in these scenarios there are the following options to be used when calculating diffs:
opts := []patch.CalculateOption{
patchResult, err := patch.DefaultPatchMaker.Calculate(existing.(runtime.Object), newObject.(runtime.Object), opts...)
if err != nil {
return err
This CalculateOptions removes status fields from both objects before comparing.
This CalculateOption clears volumeClaimTemplate fields from both objects before comparing (applies to statefulsets).
This CalculateOption removes the field provided (as a string) in the call before comparing them. A common usage might be to remove the metadata fields by using the IgnoreField("metadata")
If you find this project useful here's how you can help:
- Send a pull request with your new features and bug fixes
- Help new users with issues they may encounter
- Support the development of this project and star this repo!
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