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This Bundle is Deprecated
This bundle has been replaced by PHP-Cache. Check it out!
Aequasi cache-bundle 
Cache Bundle for Symfony 2
Creates services in Symfony 2, for cache, that can also be used with doctrines three cache types (metadata, result, and query). It also provides functionality for session handler support, and Router support.
The respective cache extensions will be required for your project.
Redis uses the php redis extension.
- PHP >= 5.6, < 7.1
- Symfony >= 2.7, < 4.0
- Composer
To Install
Run the following in your project root, assuming you have composer set up for your project
composer.phar require aequasi/cache-bundle
Add the bundle to app/AppKernel.php
new Aequasi\Bundle\CacheBundle\AequasiCacheBundle(),
Then add parameters (probably in config.yml) for your servers, and options
persistent: true # Boolean or persistent_id
namespace: mc
type: memcached
- { host: localhost, port: 11211 }
To see all the config options, run php app/console config:dump-reference aequasi_cache
to view the config settings
This bundle allows you to use its services for Doctrine's caching methods of metadata, result, and query.
If you want doctrine to use this as the result and query cache, add this
enabled: true
instance: default
entity_managers: [ default ] # the name of your entity_manager connection
document_managers: [ default ] # the name of your document_manager connection
instance: default
entity_managers: [ default, read ] # you may specify multiple entity_managers
instance: default
entity_managers: [ default ]
This bundle even allows you to store your session data in one of your cache clusters. To enable:
enabled: true
instance: default
prefix: "session_"
ttl: 7200
This bundle also provides router caching, to help speed that section up. To enable:
enabled: true
instance: default
If you change any of your routes, you will need to clear all of the route_* keys in your cache.
To Use
To use this with doctrine's entity manager, just make sure you have useResultCache
and/or useQueryCache
set to true. If you want to use the user cache, just grab the service out of the container like so:
// Change default to the name of your instance
$cache = $container->get( 'aequasi_cache.instance.default' );
// Or
$cache = $container->get( 'aequasi_cache.default' );
Here is an example usage of the service:
$cache = $this->get( 'aequasi_cache.instance.default' );
$item = $cache->getItem('test');
if ($item->isHit()) {
$cache->saveItem('test', $em->find('AcmeDemoBundle:User', 1), 3600);
Need Help?
Create an issue if you've found a bug, or ping me on twitter: @aequasi
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