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This little Arduino library adds syntactic sugar around the fastspi library with two dimensional layouts of LEDs.
The LedMatrix class wraps around the FastSPI_LED instance, taking care of initializing FastSPI_LED with the right number of pixels.
It handles two dimensional layouts of leds. To keep wiring short, you might want to wire your LED strips in S lines, meaning every second strip is ordered inversly. The names assume your matrix consists of vertical strips. With the origin at top-left, the strip number is your x coordinate and the relative position in the y coordinate.
To install, put the FastSPI_LED library into the library folder of your arduino sketchbook. Then add this repository to your sketchbook. Either use
git clone git://
Or just download the zip file.
Now restart your Arduino library and click Sketch > Import library... and import both FastSPI_LED and LedMatrix. The first lines in your sketch should now be
#include <FastSPI_LED.h>
#include <LedMatrix.h>
Instead of FastSPI_LED.setLeds(), call LedMatrix.init(LENGTH, STRIPS, slalom) then go through the normal bootstrap of FastSPI_LED.
See LedMatrix.h for doc about the functions you have available.
To see some sample code, have a look at the led-globe project.
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