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View Open Issues

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This Symfony2 application provides a dashboard that collects information on various repositories and allows to search through it. This is particularly useful if a project spans multiple repositories.

To see a running installation, head to


Install and configure elasticsearch.

This application is a standard Symfony2 project. Best follow the Symfony2 guide. In very short, this looks like:

curl -s | php
./composer.phar create-project dbu/dashboard

During composer install, you will be prompted for your Github credentials, which will be stored as plain text in app/config/parameters.yml. (Even if your repositories are public, the API only allows 5000 requests per hour without credentials. A single sync run for large organizations exceeds that limit.)

The configuration will also ask for repositories, but you might want to leave that unchanged and then open parameters.yml in an editor.


To populate the index, run the synchronize command:

app/console dbu:sync

This should populate elasticsearch. Now you can go to the home of your site to see things.

Console Issue Dumper

There is also a command to see open pull requests on the commandline, with date of last change. Run

app/console dbu:dump phpcr jackalope/jackalope-jackrabbit



This application is based on KNPLabs PHP Github API and elasticsearch (with the FOSElasticaBundle).


The code is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file.




David Buchmann and others

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