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Jenkins AWS Module
This repo contains a Module for how to deploy a Jenkins cluster on AWS using Terraform. Jenkins is a distributed automation server, generally associated with Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD). A Jenkins cluster typically involves one or more master instance(s) coupled with one or more slave instance(s):
How to use this Module
Each Module has the following folder structure:
- root: This folder shows an example of Terraform code that uses the jenkins-master and jenkins-slave module(s) to deploy a Jenkins cluster in AWS.
- modules: This folder contains the reusable code for this Module, broken down into one or more modules.
- examples: This folder contains examples of how to use the modules.
- test: Automated tests for the modules and examples.
To deploy Jenkins servers using this Module:
Create a Jankins Master AMI using a Packer template installs jenkins and all of the required dependencies. Here is an example Packer template.
If you are just experimenting with this Module, you may find it more convenient to use one of our official public AMIs:
WARNING! Do NOT use these AMIs in your production setup. In production, you should build your own AMIs in your own AWS account.
Deploy those AMIs to your AWS region using the Terraform jenkins-master module and execute the jenkins-slave module Here is an example Terraform configuration to provision a Jenkins cluster.
To deploy Jenkins clients using this Module:
terraform init
terraform plan --var "ssh_key_name=ignw_dev" \
--var "ssh_key_path=~/.ssh/ignw_dev.pem" \
--var "linux_slave_count=1"
terraform apply --var "ssh_key_name=ignw_dev" \
--var "ssh_key_path=~/.ssh/ignw_dev.pem" \
--var "linux_slave_count=1"
Argument | Description |
name | The name to be used on all instances as a prefix |
ssh_key_name | AWS SSH Key Pair name |
ssh_key_path | Path to AWS SSH Key Pair private key pair used for provisioning |
linux_slave_count | The number of Jenkins Linux Build Slaves to provision |
win_slave_count | The number of Jenkins Windows Build Slaves to provision |
instance_type_master | The instance type to be used on the master instance. Default: t2.micro |
instance_type_slave | The instance type to be used on the slave instance(s). Default: t2.micro |
setup_data | The script used to setup the Jenkins master instance and install plugins. Default: ./modules/jenkins-master/setup.tpl |
http_port | The port to use for HTTP traffic to Jenkins |
jnlp_port | The Port to use for Jenkins master to slave communication bewtween instances |
plugins | The list of plugins to pre-install on the master instance. Default: ["git", "xunit"] |
tags | A map of tags to add to all resources |
master_ami_id | ID of the AMI to use for master instance. Default: lookup latest IGNW master AMI |
linux_slave_ami_id | ID of the AMI to use for linux slave instance(s). Default: lookup latest IGNW linux slave AMI |
win_slave_ami_id | ID of the AMI to use for windows slave instance(s). Default: lookup latest IGNW windows slave AMI |
What's a Module?
A Module is a canonical, reusable, best-practices definition for how to run a single piece of infrastructure, such as a database or server cluster. Each Module is created using Terraform, and includes automated tests, examples, and documentation. It is maintained both by the open source community and companies that provide commercial support.
Instead of figuring out the details of how to run a piece of infrastructure from scratch, you can reuse existing code that has been proven in production. And instead of maintaining all that infrastructure code yourself, you can leverage the work of the Module community to pick up infrastructure improvements through a version number bump.
Who maintains this Module?
This Module is maintained by IGNW. If you're looking for help or commercial support, send an email to IGNW can help with:
- Setup, customization, and support for this Module.
- Modules for other types of infrastructure, such as VPCs, Docker clusters, databases, and continuous integration.
- Modules that meet compliance requirements, such as FedRamp, HIPAA.
- Consulting & Training on AWS, Azure, GCP, Terraform, and DevOps.
Code included in this Module:
jenkins-master: The module includes Terraform code to deploy a Jenkins master on AWS and setup plugins.
jenkins-slave: The module includes Terraform code to deploy a Jenkins slave on AWS and connect it to it's master.
jenkins-security-group-rules: Defines the security group rules used by a Jenkins cluster to control the traffic that is allowed to go in and out of the cluster.
How is this Module versioned?
This Module follows the principles of Semantic Versioning. You can find each new release, along with the changelog, in the Releases Page.
During initial development, the major version will be 0 (e.g., 0.x.y
), which indicates the code does not yet have a
stable API. Once we hit 1.0.0
, we will make every effort to maintain a backwards compatible API and use the MAJOR,
MINOR, and PATCH versions on each release to indicate any incompatibilities.
This code is released under the Apache 2.0 License. Please see LICENSE and NOTICE for more details.
Copyright © 2017 InfogroupNW, Inc.
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