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API Parallelism Benchmark

This benchmark is designed to compare using GraphQL-like compound documents VS using HTTP/2 Server Push as proposed by the Vulcain protocol.

It also measures the performance impact of caching (server-side and client-side).


With Google Chrome and the settings shown in this screenshot, I get the following results:


In these conditions (and with a warm TCP connection for both cases), HTTP/2 Server Push is 4 time faster than creating a compound documents.

Method time (lowest is better)
HTTP Server Push 214.34
Compound documents 894.74

For smallest documents, multiplexing is almost useless. For medium and large ones, it helps a lot. The larger the volume of data, the more efficient the split over multiple HTTP responses.

Also, splitting data in small atomic documents allows to improve the HTTP cache efficiency: a response containing little data is less likely to be stale than a big response containing compound documents.

I'll publish more examples and a detailed analysis at some point. In the meantime, feel free to run the benchmark with your own inputs and share the results!

Run the Benchmark

Public Server

With Docker

docker run -e -e dunglas/api-parallelism-benchmark

Using Your Own Build ./api-parallelism-benchmark


  1. Install mkcert and generate certificates

  2. Run the server using the local certs:

    mkcert -install
    mkcert -key-file key.pem -cert-file cert.pem
    CERT_FILE=cert.pem KEY_FILE=key.pem ./api-parallelism-benchmark


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