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Facebook Connect for symfony and sfGuard

kdDoctrineGuardFacebookConnectPlugin provides an easy way to sign into a symfony 1 application using a Facebook account. It extends sfDoctrineGuardPlugin.


  • Install and configure sfDoctrineGuardPlugin

  • Install kdDoctrineGuardFacebookConnectPlugin

    # Example using git
    git submodule add plugins/kdDoctrineGuardFacebookConnectPlugin
  • Create your Facebook application

  • Enable the plugin in the config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php file after sfDoctrineGuardPlugin.

    class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration {
      public function setup()
  • Rebuild your database and classes

    php symfony doctrine:build --all --and-load
  • Edit app.yml to match your Facebook application settings

      appId:                  xxx   # Your app id
      secret:                 yyy   # Your app secret
      cookie:                 true  # Use cookie
      script_lang:            en_US # Facebook UI language
  • Edit filters.yml to enable the FacebookConnect filter

    rendering: ~
    security:  ~
    # Facebook Connect
      class: kdDoctrineGuardFacebookConnectFilter
    # Remember me
      class: sfGuardRememberMeFilter
    # insert your own filters here
    cache:     ~
    execution: ~
  • Enable the kdGuardAuthFacebookConnect module and set is a signin module in settings.yml

        # ...
        enabled_modules:        [default, sfGuardAuth, kdGuardAuthFacebookConnect]
        login_module:           kdGuardAuthFacebookConnect
        login_action:           signin
  • Add the Facebook Login button JavaScript before the body end tag in your app's layout

    <?php include_slot('fb_connect') ?>
  • Update your templates to use the route kd_guard_signin for signin and kd_guard_signout for logout instead of the sfDoctrineGuard default routes

  • Clear the cache with php symfony cc and enjoy!

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