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Vclient web

A simple web interface built in Python for vcontrold and vclient. It provides the ability to control the Viessmann Vito heating system over the web.



  • Python (already shipped with Raspbian)
  • CherryPy (sudo apt-get install python-cherrypy3)
  • Python sqlite3 (sudo apt-get install python-sqlite)

Dev dependencies


  1. Install vcontrol and vclient and make them available in $PATH.
  2. Download this app and extract it in your home directory.
  3. Add the following to your crontab: */10 * * * * vclient -h localhost:3002 -t ~/vclient-web/vito.tmpl -f ~/vclient-web/command.txt -x ~/vclient-web/
  4. Run: python from the vclient-web directory


Week-end (not even) project by Kévin Dunglas.

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