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Version 1.2


Simpletags is exactly what it sounds like...a simple way to use tags in your PHP application. This allows you to have tags that look like this:

{date format="m/d/Y"}

{blog:entries count="5"}
Stuff here


  1. Just include the Simpletags.php file into your app


  1. Put Simpletags.php into your application/libraries folder
  2. Load it like normal: @$this->load->library('simpletags');@ (or autoload it).


You can send a config array to the constructor with the following options (these are the defaults):

    'l_delim' => '{',
    'r_delim' => '{',
    'trigger' => '',

You can also set the delimiters and triggers via the following functions:

$simpletags = new Simpletags();
$simpletags->set_delimitiers('{', '}');

To parse a string of text you simply call the parse() function. The parse function accepts 3 parameters:

  1. $content - The content to parse
  2. [optional] $data - a keyed array of data to replace tag vars with (more below)
  3. [optional] $callback - A callback that will be called for each tag.

Normal Return

If no callback is specified then the function will return an array. Consider this is the content you sent:

Hello there.

{rest:get url="" type="json"}
Stuff here


Parse would return this:

    [content] => Hello there.


    [tags] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [full_tag] => {rest:get url="" type="json"}
Stuff here
                    [attributes] => Array
                            [url] =>
                            [type] => json

                    [segments] => Array
                            [0] => rest
                            [1] => get

                    [content] => 
Stuff here

                    [marker] => marker_0k0dj3j4nJHDj22j



Using the Data Array

The data array is a keyed array who's contents will replace tags with the same name. Example:


Would be replaced with "Hello World" when the following data array is sent to the parse function:

$data['foo']['bar'] = "Hello World"

You can use tag pairs to loop through data as well:


{title} by {author}<br />


$data = array(
    'books' => array(
            'title' => 'PHP for Dummies',
            'author' => 'John Doe'
            'title' => 'CodeIgniter for Dummies',
            'author' => 'Jane Doe'

Resulting Output

PHP for Dummies by John Doe
CodeIgniter for Dummies by Jane Doe


The callback must be in a form that is_callable() accepts (typically array(object, method)). The callbac function should take 1 parameter (an array).

The callback will be sent the tag information in the form of an array. Consider the following

{rest:get url="" type="json"}
Stuff here

Would send the callback function the following array:

    [full_tag] => {rest:get url="" type="json"}
Stuff here
    [attributes] => Array
            [url] =>
            [type] => json

    [segments] => Array
            [0] => rest
            [1] => get

    [content] => 
Stuff here

    [marker] => marker_0k0dj3j4nJHDj22j

CodeIgniter Usage

You use it the same as above, except you would use the following:

$content = $this->simpletags->parse($content, $data, array($this, 'parser_callback'));
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