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GoDoc Coverage Status

This is a BDD testing framework. Uses gherkin for the test's syntax. From version 1.0, the API is stable.

Why did I make the library?

There is godog library for BDD tests in Go. I found this library useful but it runs as an external application which compiles our code. It has several disadvantages:

  • no debugging (breakpoints) in the test. Sometimes it’s useful to go through the whole execution step by step
  • metrics don’t count the test run this way
  • some style checkers recognise tests as dead code
  • it’s impossible to use built-in features like build constraints.
  • no context in steps - so the state have to be stored somewhere else - in my opinion, it makes the maintenance harder

Quick start

Add the package to your project:

go get

Inside features folder create your scenarios. Here is an example:

Feature: math operations
  Scenario: add two digits
    When I add 1 and 2
    Then the result should equal 3

Add a new test main_test.go:

func add(t gobdd.StepTest, ctx gobdd.Context, var1, var2 int) {
	res := var1 + var2
	ctx.Set("sumRes", res)

func check(t gobdd.StepTest, ctx gobdd.Context, sum int) {
	received, err := ctx.GetInt("sumRes")
	if err != nil {

	if sum != received {
		t.Error(errors.New("the math does not work for you"))

func TestScenarios(t *testing.T) {
	suite := gobdd.NewSuite(t)
	suite.AddStep(`I add (\d+) and (\d+)`, add)
	suite.AddStep(`the result should equal (\d+)`, check)

and run tests

go test ./...

More detailed documentation can be found on the docs page: A sample application is available in a separate repository.


All contributions are very much welcome. If you'd like to help with GoBDD development, please see open issues and submit your pull request via GitHub.


If you didn't find the answer to your question in the documentation, feel free to ask us directly!

Please join us on the #gobdd-library channel on the Gophers slack: You can get an invite here. You can find updates about the progress on Twitter: GoBdd.

You can support my work using issuehunt or by buying me a coffee.

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