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Performant pure-PHP AMQP (RabbitMQ) sync/async (ReactPHP) library


BunnyPHP requires PHP 7.1 and newer.


Add as Composer dependency:

$ composer require bunny/bunny:@dev


You might ask if there isn't a library/extension to connect to AMQP broker (e.g. RabbitMQ) already. Yes, there are multiple options:

Why should you want to choose BunnyPHP instead?

  • You want nice idiomatic PHP API to work with (I'm looking at you, php-amqplib). BunnyPHP interface follows PHP's common coding standards and naming conventions. See tutorial.

  • You can't (don't want to) install PECL extension that has latest stable version in 2014. BunnyPHP isn't as such marked as stable yet. But it is already being used in production.

  • You have both classic CLI/FPM and ReactPHP applications and need to connect to RabbitMQ. BunnyPHP comes with both synchronous and asynchronous clients with same PHP-idiomatic interface. Async client uses react/promise.

Apart from that BunnyPHP is more performant than main competing library, php-amqplib. See benchmark/ directory and php-amqplib's benchmark/.

Benchmarks were run as:

$ php benchmark/producer.php N & php benchmark/consumer.php
Library N (# messages) Produce sec Produce msg/sec Consume sec Consume msg/sec
php-amqplib 100 0.0131 7633 0.0446 2242
bunnyphp 100 0.0128 7812 0.0488 2049
bunnyphp +/- +2.3% -8.6%
php-amqplib 1000 0.1218 8210 0.4801 2082
bunnyphp 1000 0.1042 9596 0.2919 3425
bunnyphp +/- +17% +64%
php-amqplib 10000 1.1075 9029 5.1824 1929
bunnyphp 10000 0.9078 11015 2.9058 3441
bunnyphp +/- +22% +78%
php-amqplib 100000 20.7005 4830 69.0360 1448
bunnyphp 100000 9.7891 10215 35.7305 2789
bunnyphp +/- +111% +92%



When instantiating the BunnyPHP Client accepts an array with connection options:

$connection = [
    'host'      => 'HOSTNAME',
    'vhost'     => 'VHOST',    // The default vhost is /
    'user'      => 'USERNAME', // The default user is guest
    'password'  => 'PASSWORD', // The default password is guest

$bunny = new Client($connection);

Connecting with SSL/TLS

Options for SSL-connections should be specified as array ssl:

$connection = [
    'host'      => 'HOSTNAME',
    'vhost'     => 'VHOST',    // The default vhost is /
    'user'      => 'USERNAME', // The default user is guest
    'password'  => 'PASSWORD', // The default password is guest
    'ssl'       => [
        'cafile'      => 'ca.pem',
        'local_cert'  => 'client.cert',
        'local_pk'    => 'client.key',

$bunny = new Client($connection);

For options description - please see SSL context options.

Note: invalid SSL configuration will cause connection failure.

See also common configuration variants.

Providing client properties

Client Connections can present their capabilities to a server by presenting an optional client_properties table when establishing a connection.

For example, a connection name may be provided by setting the connection_name property:

$connection = [
    'host'              => 'HOSTNAME',
    'vhost'             => 'VHOST',    // The default vhost is /
    'user'              => 'USERNAME', // The default user is guest
    'password'          => 'PASSWORD', // The default password is guest
    'client_properties' => [
        'connection_name' => 'My connection',

$bunny = new Client($connection);

Publish a message

Now that we have a connection with the server we need to create a channel and declare a queue to communicate over before we can publish a message, or subscribe to a queue for that matter.

$channel = $bunny->channel();
$channel->queueDeclare('queue_name'); // Queue name

Publishing a message on a virtual host with quorum queues as a default

From RabbitMQ 4 queues will be standard defined as Quorum queues, those are by default durable, in order to connect to them you should use the queue declare method as follows. In the current version of RabbitMQ 3.11.15 this is already supported, if the virtual host is configured to have a default type of Quorum.

$channel = $bunny->channel();
$channel->queueDeclare('queue_name', false, true); // Queue name

With a communication channel set up, we can now publish a message to the queue:

    $message,    // The message you're publishing as a string
    [],          // Any headers you want to add to the message
    '',          // Exchange name
    'queue_name' // Routing key, in this example the queue's name

Subscribing to a queue

Subscribing to a queue can be done in two ways. The first way will run indefinitely:

    function (Message $message, Channel $channel, Client $bunny) {
        $success = handleMessage($message); // Handle your message here

        if ($success) {
            $channel->ack($message); // Acknowledge message

        $channel->nack($message); // Mark message fail, message will be redelivered

The other way lets you run the client for a specific amount of time consuming the queue before it stops:

    function (Message $message, Channel $channel, Client $client){
        $channel->ack($message); // Acknowledge message
$bunny->run(12); // Client runs for 12 seconds and then stops

Pop a single message from a queue

$message = $channel->get('queue_name');

// Handle message

$channel->ack($message); // Acknowledge message

Prefetch count

A way to control how many messages are prefetched by BunnyPHP when consuming a queue is by using the channel's QOS method. In the example below only 5 messages will be prefetched. Combined with acknowledging messages this turns into an effective flow control for your applications, especially asynchronous applications. No new messages will be fetched unless one has been acknowledged.

    0, // Prefetch size
    5  // Prefetch count

Asynchronous usage

Node: Up to version v0.5.x Bunny had two different clients, one sync, and one async. As of v0.6 both clients have been folder into one: An async client with a sync API.

AMQP interop

There is amqp interop compatible wrapper(s) for the bunny library.


Create client/server SSL certificates by running:

$ cd test/ssl && make all && cd -

You need access to a RabbitMQ instance in order to run the test suite. The easiest way is to use the provided Docker Compose setup to create an isolated environment, including a RabbitMQ container, to run the test suite in.

Docker Compose

  • Use Docker Compose to create a network with a RabbitMQ container and a PHP container to run the tests in. The project directory will be mounted into the PHP container.

    $ docker-compose up -d

    To test against different SSL configurations (as in CI builds), you can set environment variable CONFIG_NAME=rabbitmq.ssl.verify_none before running docker-compose up.

  • Optionally use docker ps to display the running containers.

    $ docker ps --filter name=bunny
    [...] bunny_rabbit_node_1_1
    [...] bunny_bunny_1
  • Enter the PHP container.

    $ docker exec -it bunny_bunny_1 bash
  • Within the container, run:

    $ vendor/bin/phpunit


  • Large part of the PHP code (almost everything in Bunny\Protocol namespace) is generated from spec in file spec/amqp-rabbitmq-0.9.1.json. Look for DO NOT EDIT! in doc comments.

    To change generated files change spec/generate.php and run:

    $ php ./spec/generate.php

Broker compatibility

Works well with RabbitMQ

Does not work with ActiveMQ because it requires AMQP 1.0 which is a completely different protocol (Bunny is implementing AMQP 0.9.1)


BunnyPHP is licensed under MIT license. See LICENSE file.

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