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CMatrix - Matrix effect in JavaScript

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Matrix animation effect in JavaScript using Canvas

Screenshot of a browser window with Matrix rain effect, green letters that look like Japanese on black background


npm install cmatrix



You can use CDN:

<script src=""></script>

and intialize the effect.

matrix(canvasElement, {
  chars: ['0', '1'],
  font_size: 16
matrix(canvasElement, {
  chars: matrix.range(0x30A1, 0x30F6).concat(matrix.range(0x0030, 0x0039)),
  font_size: 16

The matrix function return a Promise that is resolved when exit. By default, q and ESC exit from the effect. Use exit: false to disable ending of the animation.

Repo Link


  • chars - array of single character strings, by default Katagana and Hiragana (Japanese characters are used).
  • exit - by default matrix return a promise that resolves when it ends (when someone press q or ESC) this option when set to false will disable this and the function return undefined.
  • color - default color - default is #0f0.
  • width - width of the Canvas, default full screen.
  • height - height of the Canvas, default full screen.
  • resize - if the size is constant (you specify the width and height options) you should set it to false.
  • background - by default it's set rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05) alpha is required for the effect to look good.
  • font_size - number the default is 14.
  • mount: (matrix) => void - callback function which is executed with single argument that is instance of internal Matrix object when initializing.
  • unmount: (matrix) => void - callback function which is executed when Matrix effect is destroyed.
  • font - name of the font (default monospace).

Matrix instance methods

  • start() - start the animation
  • stop() - stop the animation
  • resize(width, height) - resize the canvas to the given width and height
  • clear() - clear the canvas
  • reset() - reset the internal state the effect
  • fullscreen() - toggle fullscreen
  • render() - render single frame using internal state

Static methods

  • matrix.range(start_number, end_number) - returns characters created from given range. Use matrix.range(0x30A1, 0x30F6) for Katagana characters and matrix.range(0x3041, 0x3096) for Hiragana, they look nice as matrix rain.
  • matrix.custom_chars - array containing all characters for custom matrix font in this repository.



  • fix resize


  • add width, heigth, resize options
  • add matrix.custom_chars that contains all characters for for custom matrix font.


  • add fullscreen() method
  • add mount and unmount option
  • expose Matrix class instance
  • fix flash of distorted rain when changing orientation on mobile


  • fix clearing state on subsequent calls to matrix #2


  • add support for custom font


  • add exit/color/background options

0.1.1 / 0.1.0

  • Initial version



Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Jakub T. Jankiewicz Released under MIT License

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