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Isomorphic Lolcat

Small library based on lolcatjs that can be used in Node.js or Browser, to render gradient text.

Rainbow color ASCII art



npm install isomorphic-lolcat



const lolcat = require('isomorphic-lolcat');


<script src=""></script>


  • lolcat.format((char: string, color: color) => string, input: string, (line: number) => void): string[]

Low lovel function, first argument is function that is called on each character. First argument to function is single character second is object with red, green and blue properties of type number.

Return array of string value is single lolcat string.


const styles = [];
let i = 20;
const o = rand(256);
function eachLine() {
  i -= 1;
  lolcat.options.seed = o + i;

function rand(max) {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max + 1));

// render Style console in Browser
console.log(lolcat.format(function(char, color) {
    styles.push(`color: ${hex(color)}; background: black`);
    return `%c${char}`;
}, 'Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet', eachLine), ...styles);
  • lolcat.rainbow((char: string, color: Color) => string, input: string, seed: number): string[]

Shortcut using above example that use default seed for each line:

const styles = [];

function format(char, color) {
    styles.push(`color: ${hex(color)}; background: black`);
    return `%c${char}`;

console.log(lolcat.rainbow(format, 'Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet').join('\n'), ...styles);
  • lolcat.options
options: {
    // Seed of the rainbow, use the same for the same pattern
    seed: 0,
    // Spread of the rainbow
    spread: 8.0,
    // Frequency of the rainbow colors
    freq: 0.3,


Copyright (C) 2020 Jakub T. Jankiewicz

Copyright (C) 2015 Robert Boloc

Released with WTFPL License

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