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Leash Shell Cordova Plugin

In order to use this you need to install cordova from npm, java jdk 8 and android sdk

on Ubuntu you can install umake and run:

umake android

it will install java jdk, android studio and android sdk then you need to set ANDROID_HOME to point to android sdk and add sdk/tools, android-studio/graddle/gradle-version/bin and sdk/platform-tools to your PATH.

then and run:

npm run install
cordova run android

it should build the project and deploy it to your phone if you're connected via usb cable and debug via usb is turn on.

If you modify the service plugin that's in ./backend directory you can run:

npm run plugin

to remove update the plugin from ./backend directory


The full shell is available only when you have rooted phone or when you connect to computer and enable USB debug mode.


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Copyright (c) 2017 Jakub Jankiewicz

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