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Yukari is a PHP-based daemon built for use as a multi-network IRC bot using PHP 5.3 Object Oriented Programming.


(c) 2009 - 2011 Damian Bushong


MIT License - please see the provided file located in /LICENSE for the full license text


  • PHP 5.3.0 or newer
  • PHAR read access




Via git:

$ git clone
$ cd ./yukari
$ git submodule update --init --recursive

Via gzip tarball package of source:

$ tar xzf yukari-master.tar.gz
$ cd ./yukari

Via zip package of build (replacing {buildnumber} with the actual build number):

$ mkdir ./yukari
$ unzip yukari-build_{buildnumber}.zip -d ./yukari/
$ cd ./yukari

Optionally, you may verify the phar(s) if you have the phar-util package installed via pear.

compiling an updated phar

Install the phar-util package via pear, if you have not done so already

$ sudo pear channel-discover
$ sudo pear install kotowicz/PharUtil-beta

Make changes to the files in the src/ directory, then build the phar (without signing it)

$ make core

Packaging a build

Make your changes to the files in the src/Codebite/Yukari/ directory, then make changes to addons in the addons/ directory. When ready, use the provided packaging script to compile the next build.

$ make package

Please note that the makefile will, by default, attempt to sign any phars it builds. You will need to modify the makefile itself to prevent this if you don't want the phars signed.

building addons

Make changes to individual addons in the addons/ directory (one directory per addon), then build the addon phar

$ make addon:myaddon

Note that this requires having already created OpenSSL certificates using phar-generate-cert (part of the phar-util pear package) and placing them in the directory build/cert/.

running the script


@todo writeme


Navigate to the root directory of Yukari, then use this command:

$ ./bin/yukari

Yukari will immediately start up afterwards.

Protip: You can specify an alternative JSON configuration file to use within the data/config/ directory by using the commandline parameter "--config=confignamehere"

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