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Middleware to redirect old urls to new urls SEO friendly.
- PHP >= 7.2
- A PSR-7 http library
- A PSR-15 middleware dispatcher
This package is installable and autoloadable via Composer as middlewares/redirect.
composer require middlewares/redirect
new Middlewares\Redirect(['/old-url' => '/new-url'])
You can use an array or an object extending ArrayAccess
interface with the urls to redirect, the key is the old url and the value the new.
$redirections = [
'/corporative-info' => '/about-us',
'/post/2390' => '/post/new-psr15-middlewares',
$redirect = new Middlewares\Redirect($redirections);
Optionally, you can provide a Psr\Http\Message\ResponseFactoryInterface
as the second argument to create the redirect responses. If it's not defined, Middleware\Utils\Factory will be used to detect it automatically.
$responseFactory = new MyOwnResponseFactory();
$redirect = new Middlewares\Redirect($redirections, $responseFactory);
Use temporary or permanent redirection HTTP status code for the response. Enabled by default.
//Temporary redirections (302)
$redirect = (new Middlewares\Redirect($redirections))->permanent(false);
Take the query part of the URI into account when matching redirects. Enabled by default.
//Ignore url query
$redirect = (new Middlewares\Redirect($redirections))->query(false);
This option accepts an array with the allowed HTTP request methods. (By default is: ['GET']
//Redirects GET and HEAD requests
$redirect = (new Middlewares\Redirect($redirections))->method(['GET', 'HEAD']);
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