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Doctrine integration for myclabs enums

Doctrine integration for myclabs/php-enum via custom Doctrine types.

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This library helps you store Enums in database using Doctrine via custom Doctrine types. Enums must be defined using myclabs/php-enum.


composer require mnapoli/enum-doctrine


Given the following enum:

class Currency extends Enum
    private const DOLLAR = 'dollar';
    private const EURO = 'euro';

You will need to write a custom Doctrine type that inherits StringEnumType or IntegerEnumType:

class CurrencyType extends \MyCLabs\Enum\Doctrine\StringEnumType
    public function getName(): string
        return 'currency';

    public function getClassName(): string
        return Currency::class;

You then need to register the custom type (see the Doctrine documentation):

Type::addType('currency', 'App\Type\CurrencyType');
$conn = $em->getConnection();
$conn->getDatabasePlatform()->registerDoctrineTypeMapping('db_currency', 'currency');

In Symfony (see the Symfony documentation):

# config/packages/doctrine.yaml
            currency: 'App\Type\CurrencyType'

The type can now be used in Doctrine, for example in entities:

class Foo
     * @var Currency
     * @ORM\Column(type="currency")
    private $currency;

    public function getCurrency(): Currency
        return $this->currency;

    public function setCurrency(Currency $currency)
        $this->currency = $currency;

Integer values

If your Enum uses int values in the database like this one:

class Currency extends Enum
    private const DOLLAR = 1;
    private const EURO = 2;

you will need to extend IntegerEnumType instead:

class CurrencyType extends IntegerEnumType
    public function getName(): string
        return 'currency';

    public function getClassName(): string
        return Currency::class;

Custom behavior

When mapping entities to a legacy database we sometimes have to deal with weird values outside of our control. In this case feel free to override methods in the parent class.

Here is an example where we force empty strings in the database to be turned into null in PHP:

class CurrencyType extends \MyCLabs\Enum\Doctrine\StringEnumType
    public function convertToPHPValue($value, AbstractPlatform $platform)
        // We map the '' value (in database) to `null` in the PHP code
        if ($value === '') {
            return null;

        // Everything else is handled as usual
        return parent::convertToPHPValue($value, $platform);
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