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This is an example of interoperability between frameworks through framework-agnostic modules.

composer install
php -S localhost:8000 -t web


This is one application composed of 3 modules, each one using a different framework:

  • the front-end module is running on Silex (/)
  • the blog module is running on Symfony 2 (/blog)
  • the back-office module is running on Zend Framework 1 (/admin)

How it works

A module can provide one or more of the followings:

  • a DI container
  • an HTTP application
  • a CLI application

When the application is constructed, it will build a root DI container to which all the module's containers will be chained.

Then, HTTP/CLI applications can be built using the root container (not the module's container), which allows to access all the entries of all the container's.

How to write a module

You start by writing a class that extends Interop\Framework\Module:

namespace Acme\BlogModule;

class BlogModule extends Module
    public function getName()
        return 'blog';

     * You can return a container if the module provides one.
     * It will be chained to the application's root container.
     * @return ContainerInterface|null
    public function getContainer()
        return null;

     * You can return an HTTP application if the module provides one.
     * @return HttpKernelInterface|null
    public function getHttpApplication()
        return new HttpApplication();

HTTP applications can be any class implementing Symfony's HttpKernelInterface.

Containers can be any class implementing Interop\Container\ContainerInterface.

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