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A single CLI command with sane defaults to simplify CodeSniffer and PHP-CS-Fixer.

PHP CodeSniffer and PHP-CS-Fixer are powerful but using them is not simple. It is not always obvious which tool a project uses and whether there is a configuration file to use or whether you need to provide options to the CLI command.

Now it's easy, simply run:


Pretty will detect the configuration file that exist in the current directory and will run the correct tool. If no configuration file exist, Pretty will run PHP CodeSniffer with PSR-2 by default.

If errors are found, simply run:

pretty fix

Again, Pretty will run the appropriate tool (php-cs-fixer or phpcbf) to fix as many errors as possible in your code.


If you have already set up a global install of Composer just run:

composer global require mnapoli/pretty

Pretty comes with no dependencies so it should not bring any conflict in Composer.

You can also install it as a local dependency of your project with composer require --dev mnapoli/pretty. In that case you can start the tool with vendor/bin/pretty.

You will be able to update to new versions by running:

composer global update mnapoli/pretty


Running an analysis is as simple as running:


This command will not change any code. To fix errors reported by this command, simply run:

pretty fix

In case you are running the analyses in CI you might want to run:

pretty ci

This will disable the caching option of PHP-CS-Fixer or CodeSniffer (because the cache will not be kept in CI).

Hosted continuous integration

If you are using pretty in your daily development workflow you may be interested in, the SaaS version of pretty.

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