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A PHP extension to track progress of a file upload, including details on the speed of the upload, estimated time remaining, and access to the contents of the file as it is being uploaded.


The uploadprogress extension works on PHP 7.2+ and PHP 8. It works with Apache HTTP Server using mod_php, as well as Apache HTTP Server, nginx, and Caddy through PHP-FPM. It might work on other web servers; let us know where you're using it.


Check out the examples directory for a working example that you can run on your local machine.


Install uploadprogress with pecl:

pecl install uploadprogress

If it is not automatically added to your php.ini file by the pecl command, you will need to update php.ini by adding the following line:



In forms for which you wish to track a file upload using uploadprogress, you must include a field named UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER.

The value of the UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER field may be any string. We recommend a random, unique string per upload. This extension will use this value to keep track of the upload, and you may query the extension using this identifier to check the progress of the upload.

For example, you might choose to define the UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER field as such:

<input type="hidden" name="UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER" value="<?php echo bin2hex(random_bytes(16)); ?>">

The uploadprogress extension provides two functions: uploadprogress_get_info() and uploadprogress_get_contents().

While a file is uploading, you may call these functions from a different script to check on the progress of the uploading file, providing the same identifier used as the UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER.

For example, you might make an HTTP GET request to /check-progress.php?identifier=some_identifier&fieldName=the_file_upload_form_field_name. The contents of check-progress.php might contain code like this:

$identifier = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'identifier', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$fieldName = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'fieldName', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

$info = uploadprogress_get_info($identifier);
$contents = uploadprogress_get_contents($identifier, $fieldName);

php.ini Settings

  • uploadprogress.file.filename_template:

    Set the path and pattern to which the info file should be written. This is where we will store the data about the uploaded file, while it is being uploaded. You may set it to a directory, or you may optionally use a filename pattern. It defaults to sys_get_temp_dir() . '/upt_%s.txt'. The %s is replaced with the value of UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER.

  • uploadprogress.file.contents_template:

    Set the path and pattern to which the contents of the uploaded file should be written. This allows us to read the contents of the file, while it is still being uploaded. You may set it to a directory, or you may optionally use a filename pattern. It defaults to sys_get_temp_dir() . '/upload_contents_%s'. The %s is replaced with the value of UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER combined with the name of the file upload form field.

  • uploadprogress.get_contents:

    Set to "On" to enable the ability to read a file's contents while it is still uploading. Defaults to "Off."

NOTE: The paths for these INI settings must be absolute paths. Relative paths will not work.

Example php.ini



uploadprogress_get_info ( string $identifier ) : array

The $identifier is the value of the form field named UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER.

This returns an associative array with the following keys:

  • upload_id - The value of UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER.
  • fieldname - The name of the file upload form field for this file upload.
  • filename - The original name of the file being uploaded.
  • time_start - The Unix timestamp at which the upload began.
  • time_last - The Unix timestamp at which this information was last updated.
  • speed_average - The average upload speed, in bytes.
  • speed_last - The last speed calculation, in bytes.
  • bytes_uploaded - The number of bytes uploaded so far.
  • bytes_total - The total number of bytes to be upload.
  • files_uploaded - The total number of files uploaded so far.
  • est_sec - The estimated number of seconds remaining until the upload is complete.


uploadprogress_get_contents ( string $identifier , string $fieldName [, int $maxLength ] ) : string

The $identifier is the value of the form field named UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER.

The $fieldName is the value of the file upload form field name.

The $maxLength is an optional number of bytes to read, if you wish to read only the first $maxLength bytes of the uploading file. Otherwise, all bytes currently uploaded will be read.

This returns a string of all the bytes currently uploaded for the uploading file.


Your contributions and bug reports are highly appreciated. To contribute, fork and create a pull request. To report a bug use the PHP Bug Tracking System.

Building on *nix systems

To compile this extension, execute the following steps:

./configure --enable-uploadprogress

Building on Windows

The extension provides the VisualStudio V6 project file:


To compile the extension you open this file using VisualStudio, select the apropriate configuration for your installation (either "Release_TS" or "Debug_TS") and create php_uploadprogress.dll.

After successfull compilation you have to copy the newly created php_uploadprogress.dll to the PHP extension directory (default: C:\PHP\extensions).


You may now run the tests with the following (on Windows, use nmake):

make test TESTS="-n --show-diff tests"

For application testing, you can now load the extension using a php.ini directive


The extension should now be available, which you can test using the extension_loaded() function:

if (extension_loaded('uploadprogress')) {
    echo "uploadprogress loaded :)";
} else  {
    echo "something is wrong :(";

The extension will also add its own block to the output of phpinfo();.

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