Get support for ramsey/gitea-environment

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Support Options

Unfortunately, there are currently no active helpers for this repository on the platform. Until they become available, we reccomend the following actions:

View Open Issues

Take a look to see if anyone else has experienced the same issue as you and if they managed to solve it.

Open an Issue

Make sure to read any relevant guidelines for opening issues on this repo before posting a new issue.

Sponsor directly

Check out the page and see if there are any options to sponsor this project or it's developers directly.



When running, the following applications will be available on your localhost:

Getting Started


./ start

Then, load the following in your browser:

  • http://gitea:3000 - Configure and register for a Gitea account; database configuration may be left as-is
  • http://drone:8002 - Log in to Drone using the same credentials you used for your Gitea account

Create an SSH key to use with Gitea by running ssh-keygen from your terminal. When prompted for the name of the key file, use something like /Users/username/.ssh/gitea-local.

Then, add the following to your local host's ~/.ssh/config file:

Host gitea
HostName gitea
Port 222
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/gitea-local

Finally, type cat ~/.ssh/ from your terminal and copy-and-paste the output into a new SSH key in your Gitea account: http://gitea:3000/user/settings/keys

Trying It Out

Let's create a PHP project that we'll add to Gitea and then run tests for in Drone.

composer create-project ramsey/php-library-skeleton drone-test

Answer all the questions. When completed, cd drone-test/ and create a .drone.yml file with the following:

kind: pipeline
name: default

  - name: unit
    image: php:7.3-alpine
      - curl -L -s -o composer.phar
      - php --version
      - php composer.phar --version
      - php composer.phar install --no-interaction --prefer-dist --no-progress
      - php composer.phar run test-ci

Now, go to Gitea and create your repository: http://gitea:3000/repo/create. Name it "drone-test" in keeping with the examples here.

Log into Drone and click the "SYNC" button to load your repositories from Gitea. Click to activate your "drone-test" repository. Now, you're ready to push your repository to Gitea and watch the build run.

From your drone-test/ directory in your terminal, type the following:

git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin git@gitea:ramsey/drone-test.git
git push -u origin master

If you've still got your Drone window visible, you should see it start to kick off a build.

Yay! 🎉

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We want to make open source more sustainable. The entire platform was born from this and everything we do is in aid of this.

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