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Kubernetes on Equinix Metal using Nix(OS)
This is an experiment (that will probably yield a blog post at some point) to run Kubernetes on top of Equinix Metal using Nix and NixOS.
The motivation behind this experiment stems from our need to run a Kubernetes cluster for Dex. Dex is a CNCF project and fortunately, the CNCF provides lab resources (courtesy of Equinix Metal).
Although this is not a production use case, I'd like to minimize the maintenance cost of running a Kubernetes cluster, hence Nix is added to the stack. Once more, we're fortunate that Equinix Metal supports running NixOS.
- Nix (with Flakes support)
- direnv
- Equinix Metal account (If you are a CNCF project maintainer, you can get one here)
- nix-direnv (optional)
Set up
Clone this repository:
git clone
cd equi-nix-k8s
direnv allow
Run metal init
and follow the instructions on screen to set up access to Equinix Metal from your shell.
Alternatively, copy your existing configuration to the project:
mkdir -p $(dirname $METAL_CONFIG)
cp $HOME/.config/equinix/metal.yaml $METAL_CONFIG
Last, but not least: you can create a .env
file and set environment variables:
echo "METAL_ORGANIZATION_ID=253e9cf1-5b3d-41f5-a4fa-839c130c8c1d >> .env"
echo "METAL_PROJECT_ID=1857dc19-76a5-4589-a9b6-adb729a7d18b >> .env"
echo "METAL_AUTH_TOKEN=foo >> .env"
[!WARNING] The Metal CLI does not currently accept the
env var in any commands other thanmetal init
and requires passing the--config $METAL_CONFIG
flag.Therefore I recommend setting environment variables.
More details here.
Create an SSH key
When setting up for using Equinix Metal for the first time, create an SSH key so you can log into machines you create.
Create a new SSH key (if necessary):
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
Upload the public key to Equinix Metal:
metal ssh-key create --key "$(cat ~/.ssh/" --label "$(hostname -s)"
Launch a machine using NixOS
First, we need to determine a few parameters:
- OS version
- Region (or "metro")
- Instance type (or "plan")
[!NOTE] You can familiarize yourself with the available options on the following links:
The OS will also determine the list of instance types we can use, so we start with that:
metal os get --output json | jq '.[] | select(.distro == "nixos")'
[!NOTE] At the time of this writing the latest supported NixOS version is 23.05.
We need the list of instance types from that output (provisionable_on
) field:
metal os get --output json | jq '.[] | select(.distro == "nixos" and .version == "23.05").provisionable_on'
Make sure to take note of the slug
as well:
metal os get --output json | jq '.[] | select(.distro == "nixos" and .version == "23.05").slug'
[!NOTE] You can find the available instance types compatible with the selected OS version here.
Next, we need a location where we intend to run the new instance. Get a list of facilities with the following command:
metal metro get
I'm going to use Frankfurt (fr
) because it's the closes to me, but the remaining commands will use the METAL_FACILITY
env var:
echo "METAL_METRO=fr" >> .env
[!NOTE] You can check the Capacity dashboard to see if the selected instance type is available in the chosen facility.
Once you have all the necessary details, you can launch your first instance:
metal device create --metro $METAL_METRO --operating-system nixos_23_05 --plan m3.small.x86 --hostname nixos-test
Take not of the UUID of your instance, but you can always get it by listing the running instances:
metal device list
Deploy a single-node Kubernetes cluster
# Choose a name for your machine
export NAME=name
# Export the IP address as an env var
export SSH_ADDR=
mkdir -p hosts/$NAME/generated
scp -r root@$SSH_ADDR:/etc/nixos/'*' ./hosts/$NAME/generated
TODO(sagikazarmark): automate populating env vars based on machine details
Add the following to flake.nix
under nixosConfigurations
NAME = inputs.nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
system = "x86_64-linux";
modules = [
Don't forget to replace NAME
with your $NAME
TODO(sagikazarmark): simplify configuring a new machine
Run the following command to deploy Kubernetes:
deploy $NAME root@$SSH_ADDR
Check that Kubernetes is running:
ssh root@$SSH_ADDR k3s kubectl get ns
TODO(sagikazarmark): set up local kube context
Once you are done with testing an instance, you can delete it by running the following command:
metal device delete --force --id UUID
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