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⚠️ Deprecation notice

As of 1.2.0 the Redis operator comes with a Kustomize setup based on this one. Therefore, there is no need to maintain this repository anymore.

Kustomize deployment manifests for spotahome/redis-operator

This repo contains manifests to install spotahome/redis-operator using Kustomize.


To install the latest version of the operator, run the following command:

kustomize build | kubectl apply -f -

The default version installs the operator and every other manifest it needs for running (roles, service account, etc).

There are two additional versions (overlays) bundled with this repository:

  • minimal only installs the operator itself without components like RBAC or Service Account
  • full installs additional components, like a Prometheus ServiceMonitor

Repo structure

The repository uses kustomize components to provide a flexible way to install the operator.

  • base: Base manifests for the operator.
  • components: Additional components to improve the installation of redis-operator.
  • overlays: Final, installable manifests. (See the list of "versions" above)
├── base
├── components
│   ├── monitoring
│   ├── rbac
│   ├── rbac-full
│   ├── resources
│   └── version
└── overlays
    ├── minimal
    ├── default
    └── full

Create your own version

You can easily create your own overlay by reusing the components in this repository. All you need is your own kustomization.yaml file referencing components and/or overlays in this repository:

kind: Kustomization

namespace: redis-operator

    foo: bar



Some of the manifests in this repository are based on the original project's examples.


The project is licensed under the MIT License.

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