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Unfortunately, there are currently no active helpers for this repository on the platform. Until they become available, we reccomend the following actions:
View Open IssuesTake a look to see if anyone else has experienced the same issue as you and if they managed to solve it.
Open an IssueMake sure to read any relevant guidelines for opening issues on this repo before posting a new issue.
Sponsor directlyCheck out the page and see if there are any options to sponsor this project or it's developers directly.
⚠ Project moved
The contents of this project has been moved to a new repository:
This repository will stay here to provide backward compatibility, but it won't receive any updates. Please follow the new repositories.
Please Go rules and definitions
Note: This is still very much experimental, but please looks like a great alternative to make, I love it.
Add the following to BUILD
in your project root:
name = "please-go",
repo = "sagikazarmark/please-go",
revision = "master",
GolangCI lint
GolangCI can be executed out of the box using plz run
plz run ///please-go//tools/golangci-lint
Defining an alias makes the command shorter and easier to memorize:
[alias "lint"]
desc = Runs the linters for this repo
cmd = run ///please-go//tools/golangci-lint --
Then you can just run the linter by executing plz lint
. It also passes arguments to the golangci-lint run
so for example plz lint -v
will run the linter in verbose mode.
The build target installs GolangCI lint by default. You can customize the installation using the following configuration in .plzconfig
golangci-lint-tool = ///please-go//third_party/golangci-lint
golangci-lint-version = 1.27.0
Pinning the linter version is optional, but strongly recommended.
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We want to make open source more sustainable. The entire platform was born from this and everything we do is in aid of this.
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