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Yeeki is a flexible wiki engine that can be used either as a standalone application or as an Yii framework module.

By default it uses markdown syntax with addition of wiki-links.

Implemented features

  • Unicode support
  • namespaces
  • page index
  • revision history
  • ability to view specific revision
  • ability to enter change summary for edit and view it at revision history page
  • revision diff
  • multiple markup dialects support (only markdown provided out of the box)
  • cross-linking with [[wiki-links]]
  • theming support
  • i18n support


Currently in order to use Yeeki you need MySQL with InnoDB engine enabled. In the future it is planned to allow using it with MyISAM and PostgreSQL.

Also server should be able to run Yii framework.

Using Yeeki as an application

Currently you need to perform steps listed below. In the future versions all these will be covered by automated installer.

  1. Unpack contents of release archive.
  2. Point your webserver docroot to www.
  3. Make sure webserver have write permissions for www/assets and app/runtime.
  4. Create a database with utf8 encoding and utf8_general_ci collation.
  5. Provide proper database credentials in app/config/db.php.
  6. Run install.php from a web browser.

Using Yeeki as a module

  • Copy app/modules/wiki to your application directory.
  • Using yiic apply migrations with the following command:
yiic migrate --migrationTable=wiki_migration
  • Add wiki module to your web application config (usually it is protected/config/main.php):
return array(
	'name'=>'My cool application',

	// add the following:
	'modules' => array(
		'wiki' => array(


	// …
  • Add cache component to your application configuration:
return array(
  // ...
  'components' => array(
    'cache' => array(
       'class' => 'CFileCache',

Implementing data interfaces and configuring module

In order to use wiki in your application you should implement some simple interfaces and configure module pointing to implementations. If you're using standard Yii::app()->user and standard RBAC then the only mandatory interface to implement is IWikiUser. You can find sample implementation in app/components/WikiUser.php. After implementing it you need to configure the module:

'modules' => array(
	'wiki' => array(
		'userAdapter' => array(
			'class' => 'WikiUser',

See also IWikiAuth, IWikiSearch.

Theming Yeeki

You can use standard Yii theming feature to theme Yeeki. For details please refer to the definitive guide.


Yeeki is licensed under New BSD license. That allows proprietary use, and for the software released under the license to be incorporated into proprietary products. Works based on the material may be released under a proprietary license or as closed source software. It is possible for something to be distributed with the BSD License and some other license to apply as well.


  • Initial code and ideas: Alexander Makarov, @samdark.
  • Features contribution: Mark Bryk, @mbryk.


  • CleverTech for supporting this OpenSource project.
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