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Project includes three tiers: front end, back end, and console, each of which is a separate Yii application.


1. Install framework and dependencies

If you do not have Composer, you may install it by following the instructions at

You can then install this application template using the following command:

composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin"
composer install

2. Initialize configs

Run init in the root directory. Choose development environment.

3. Database

Create a database. Copy /config/system/db.php to /config/db.php. Specify your database connection there.

Then apply migrations by running:

yii migrate

4. Setup webserver

Point your werbserver root to web directory. There's nginx config you can check.

Alternative installation (Vagrant)

Manual for Linux/Unix users

  1. Install VirtualBox

  2. Install Vagrant

  3. Create GitHub personal API token

  4. Prepare project:

    git clone
    cd yiiframework-ru/vagrant/config
    cp vagrant-local.example.yml vagrant-local.yml
  5. Place your GitHub personal API token to vagrant-local.yml

  6. Change directory to project root:

    cd yiiframework-ru
  7. Run command:

    vagrant up

That's all. You just need to wait for completion! After that you can access project locally by URL:

Manual for Windows users

  1. Install VirtualBox

  2. Install Vagrant

  3. Reboot

  4. Create GitHub personal API token

  5. Prepare project:

    • download repo yiiframework-ru
    • unzip it
    • go into directory yiiframework-ru-master/vagrant/config
    • copy vagrant-local.example.yml to vagrant-local.yml
  6. Place your GitHub personal API token to vagrant-local.yml

  7. Open terminal (cmd.exe), change directory to project root and run command:

    vagrant up

    (You can read here how to change directories in command prompt)

That's all. You just need to wait for completion! After that you can access project locally by URL:

Optional installation steps

1. Configure github application

Create new GitHub OAuth application: - authorization callback URL must lead to local site domain. Copy /config/system/authclients.php to /config/authclients.php. Specify your application settings there.

Code style

Code style used in this project is PSR-2.

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