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RxRest Assert Build Status

Assertion library for RxRest.

npm install rxrest-assert --save-dev


const {RxRestAssert} = require('rxrest-assert')
const assert = new RxRestAssert(new RxRestConfiguration())

.respond({foo: 'bar', id: 1})'foo')
.then(e => {

.catch(e => {
  console.log(e.message) //Method should be "GET", got "POST"


The API is inspired by the angular $httpBackend service.


Expectations must respect requests order.

expect(method, url, [request])


Param Type Details
method string HTTP method
url string or RegExp HTTP url or RegExp to match requested url
request Request The expected Request. It's url query params or headers will be tested against the request

For example, to match headers and query parameters:

let headers = new Headers()
headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer foo')

assert.expect('GET', 'foo', new Request('foo?test=foobar', {headers: headers})

.get({test: 'foobar'}, {'Authorization': 'Bearer foo'})
.then(e => {})
.catch(e => {})


Returns an object with a respond method:

respond(response: Response|Object|number)
  • If the response is an Object it'll be the response body (json encoded).
  • If it's a number, it will be the reponse status
  • If it's a Response instance, it's taken as is


expectGET(url, request)
expectPOST(url, request)
expectPUT(url, request)
expectHEAD(url, request)
expectPATCH(url, request)
expectDELETE(url, request)


When doesn't depend on the requests order and it's signature is {method, url}.

The API is the same as expect:

when(method, url, [request])


whenGET(url, request)
whenPOST(url, request)
whenPUT(url, request)
whenHEAD(url, request)
whenPATCH(url, request)
whenDELETE(url, request)
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