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The End Of Meaning

Cutting our obsession over meaning

If we could be honest with ourselves, we could acknowledge, for example, that we seek validation from others. There's no need to appeal to any intrinsic meaning, or any kind of higher purpose.

Why the meaningless life is worth living

If you see life as a game—which is to say it's a competition following a set of rules, which it certainly is—then the only way to win is not to play. That is, unless, winning is not the point.

Consider our entire lifetime an artistic experience, a story of growth and change—one told with a plethora of dynamic characters and in many a varied settings. Taking a broader view, we might appreciate the complex systems and great civilizations we've built as works of art, which are in turn dwarved by the grand magnitude of the masterpiece that is nature and the cosmos. All intrinsically beautiful without the need for meaning.

The futility of the pursuit of meaning

The main trouble with the quest for meaning is the simple fact that our existence is futile. In their efforts to refuse to acknowledge this fact, humans have invented many tales to soothe their minds: the afterlife, and the soul that outlives the physical body; reincarnation, and the memories of past lives; transcendence, and the conscious and connected Universe.

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