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Let your Mailserver twitter to Facebook Update your Offline-App on connect Free your Controller from making choices Let your Dependencies off the Hook

Let your CRM talk to Twitter Make your Config Context aware Route your Custom-Events through the Pipeline Make your Messages easy to share

Transform your Documents to any Format Forgett about Coupling and Vendor-Locks On Demand build your Index and Caches And if you want to, Change all of that!

PEIP is a pure PHP Middleware Framework to easily create Messaging- and Work-Flows. One of PEIP's goals is to provide implementations of Enterprise Integration Patterns for PHP (but with a bit different approach then usually). PEIP can be used by scripting or configuration (recommended). PEIP is noninvasive - it plays nicely and integrates with your favorite MVC, Library, Services or PHP Applications. PEIP itself (contrary to any other Messaging Framework) is Event Driven. This allows for easily combining it's components without a need for coupling. PEIP's Event Objects are first class Messages and can travel through the same components as Generic Messages. PEIP can be easily extended and integrated (by using its interfaces). PEIP's configuration (ability) can be easily augmented by simple plugins. PEIP's main Components are:

soon to follow as a blog-post.

soon to follow API docs can be found here

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We want to make open source more sustainable. The entire platform was born from this and everything we do is in aid of this.

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