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Tideways example

This is an example PHP application with Tideways set up.

Read the documentation at

This example deploys:

  • a simple example PHP application (index.php)
  • a VPC (virtual private network) using the serverless-vpc-plugin
  • an EC2 instance (Tideways daemon) inside the VPC via embedded CloudFormation code

all that from serverless.yml. That makes serverless.yml a bit verbose, but everything is deployed at once, automatically configured.

You don't have to deploy the VPC and the EC2 from serverless.yml. You can also create them manually via the AWS console if you prefer (for example to reuse them between environments or projects). Check out the documentation at to learn more.


Clone this project and install Composer and NPM dependencies:

composer install
npm install

Edit serverless.yml to set your TIDEWAYS_APIKEY (or set it as an environment variable on your machine).

If you wish to deploy to a different region than the one set in serverless.yml, update the provider.region field as well as the ImageId field in the TidewaysDaemon section: you can find out the AMI ID (aka image ID) for your preferred region on this page.

Then, deploy the application:

serverless deploy

The URL of the deployed application will be displayed in the terminal. Open the URL and wait a few minutes until the metrics show up at

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