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Tideways daemon AMI

To use the AMI, either:

  • or use directly the AMI ID that matches your region (e.g. in serverless.yml or a CloudFormation template):
Region AMI ID
us-east-1 ami-07f65b3cf1dbe83e0
us-east-2 ami-0682cf12179b408cf
us-west-1 ami-0820fc5dc564c0e59
us-west-2 ami-0164dde09d9c8ee39
ca-central-1 ami-0edd27efbce1ccba3
eu-west-1 ami-0de7fc73978c4a64e
eu-west-2 ami-02606eb4fdcfad3a3
eu-west-3 ami-05903fecc3810610a
eu-central-1 ami-0f1d41377c06ee5e8
eu-north-1 ami-0436f9823f2a9b5bf
sa-east-1 ami-096ea12b148055a94
ap-northeast-1 ami-0b11f0a0b285abd58
ap-northeast-2 ami-0ffa23a9865810666
ap-northeast-3 ami-01734b9e496f2c0e0
ap-southeast-1 ami-0cafbf066a364e8e0
ap-southeast-2 ami-0e6dea52928ac4850
ap-south-1 ami-082d2f6ae700b0b1d

Refresh the list above by running:

aws ec2 describe-images --filters 'Name=name,Values=tideways-daemon' --owners='601180370863' --query='Images[*].[ImageId]' --output=text --region=xxx

How it works

The Tideways daemon AMI starts from the base Ubuntu Server 22.04, x86 so that it can run on t2.micro (free tier).

We can create an AMI whose filesystem is either:

  • EBS storage (mounted filesystem)
  • Instance-store storage

We will use the first option. While it sounds extra steps for un-necessary storage, EBS AMIs are more standard, easier and faster to create, boot faster, can be paused, etc. It also allows to use much slower EC2 instance types, like t2.micro which is eligible for the free tier.


First, install the packer CLI.

Then, run packer init to install dependencies:

packer init .

Check the configuration is valid:

packer validate .

Building the AMI

Build the AMI image by running:

packer build .

An EC2 instance will be booted (from the base Ubuntu AMI), and the provisionning scripts will run in that instance. An AMI will be created from that instance. The instance will then be terminated.

The created AMI will be marked as "public".

Full docs:

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